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La serie Wrecked de Chris Baugh, en producción


- La serie de 6 episodios de 45 minutos, presentada como "un thriller cargado de tensión que mezcla comedia y un toque de slasher", es un encargo de BBC Drama

La serie Wrecked de Chris Baugh, en producción
Thaddea Graham y Oscar Kennedy en Wrecked (© BBC)

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Chris Baugh is now filming a new 6x45-minute series, titled Wrecked and commissioned by Piers Wenger, director of BBC Drama, and Fiona Campbell, controller of BBC Three. In 2020, Baugh helmed his debut feature, Boys from County Hell [+lee también:
ficha de la película
, a vampire comedy-horror flick premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival.

Described as “a tense thriller, mixing comedy with a slice of slasher”, the new show is set aboard The Sacramentum cruise ship and follows a 20-year-old new recruit, Jamie, as he infiltrates the 3,000-strong crew in a desperate race to find his missing sister. She was working aboard the same vessel on a previous tour and vanished mid-charter. Jamie is initiated into cruise life and gets a crash course on the tribes within the staff: the theatre kids, the mafias and the low-paid workers. For this overworked and underpaid crew, life below deck can be an odyssey of partying and excess… And they remain oblivious to the bloodthirsty murders taking place on board. Jamie is forced to turn detective and uncover the sinister truth.

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Jamie is played by young thesp Oscar Kennedy, who recently starred in Ladhood as Liam Williams. Thaddea Graham (the TV series The Irregulars and Doctor Who) will star as Vivian, Jack Rowan (the TV series Noughts + Crosses) as Danny, Harriet Webb (the TV series I May Destroy You [+lee también:
ficha de la serie
) as Karen and Jodie Tyack (the TV series The Window) as Pippa, alongside newcomers Louis Boyer as Sam, Anthony Rickman as Olly, Amber Grappy as Lauren, Diego Andres as Jerome, Peter Claffey as Cormac, Miya Ocego as Rosie, Warren James Dunning as Beaker, Ramanique Ahluwalia as Lily and Alice Nokes as Sophia.

Wrecked is being produced by Euston Films, part of Fremantle, with support from Northern Ireland Screen. It is being executive-produced by Noemi Spanos for Euston Films, Tommy Bulfin for the BBC and the director himself. Production is now under way in Northern Ireland. The show will air later this year, with Fremantle attached as the international distributor.

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(Traducción del inglés)

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