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Crew United lanza la plataforma en línea Filmmakers-for-Ukraine


- La plataforma tiene como objetivo apoyar a los cineastas ucranianos y sus familias, así como a grupos y minorías desfavorecidas en Ucrania

Crew United lanza la plataforma en línea Filmmakers-for-Ukraine

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Following Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the team of Crew United decided to focus their efforts on the launch of a dedicated online platform, Filmmakers-for-Ukraine, an information website where Ukrainian filmmakers and their families can find help fast.

In collaboration with professional associations, institutions and numerous colleagues from the industry, Crew United has worked tirelessly to create a platform with the declared goal of informing people in a simple and up-to-date fashion about offers of aid coming from all European countries.

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The film network’s platform is aimed at supporting Ukrainian filmmakers and their families, as well as disadvantaged groups and minorities in Ukraine, such as BIPoC, LGBTQIA+, Roma, people with disabilities, children, sick and elderly people.

In detail, the platform offers support opportunities in terms of transport, shelter, work, medical assistance, food and clothing as well as contacts to psychological and legal aid.

It also contains offers of assistance, fundraising campaigns, petitions and appeals from the film industry as well as a dedicated page curated by film journalists listing useful sources. One of these, for example, is a blog reporting on key cultural activities helping Ukraine, and publishing urgent calls for help from people in need. Meanwhile, the job and accommodation market on Crew United is to be expanded to enable jobs and housing opportunities for Ukrainian filmmakers to be advertised.

Crew United has been active in Poland and France for a year now, and is set to expand its operations in Lithuania, Romania, Greece, Italy and Spain. “Our actual mission is to connect people to make films together, but right now it is just more important to bring people together to help people. With Filmmakers-for-Ukraine we are focusing on the work, the offerings and the network of initiators in our industry, because we have great contacts there,” said Crew United's CEO Oliver Zenglein, drawing on the resources from his extensive network for assistance.

Filmmakers-for-Ukraine is urgently looking for partners and backers from the industry who can provide helpful information and notify about planned activities, as well as volunteers to help keep the information well structured and up to date. If you are interested in helping, please reach out to

You can find out more here:

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