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CPH:DOX 2022 CPH:DOX Industry

The Last Nomads triunfa en el CPH:FORUM


- El proyecto de Biljana Tutorov y Petar Glomazić ha recibido el Premio al Desarrollo de la Coproducción de Eurimages en Copenhague

The Last Nomads triunfa en el CPH:FORUM
Petar Glomazić y Biljana Tutorov recibiendo el premio

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

CPH:FORUM, the international financing and co-production event for creative documentaries, which is part of the leading Nordic documentary festival CPH:DOX, has announced the winner of this year’s edition. The Last Nomads, directed by Biljana Tutorov and Petar Glomazić, and produced by Biljana and her company Wake Up Films (Serbia) and co-produced by France's Les Films de l'œil sauvage, won the Eurimages Co-production Development Award, valued at €20,000.

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The project came out on top as the best pitch at this year’s CPH:FORUM, having formed part of a group of 15 hopefuls. The international jury comprised producer Anne Köhncke, for Denmark’s Final Cut for Real; Vesna Cudić, head of sales for London-based Met Film Sales; and Dr Eduart Makri, Eurimages’ national representative for Albania. In their statement, the jury mentioned: “We were impressed by this project, which brings us to a place we didn’t know existed, a place of striking beauty and importance to humanity. A story of the human being in a David-against-Goliath battle, urgently reminding us not to lose our way in the fog of war.”

The Last Nomads is a Serbian-Montenegrin-Croatian-Belgian-French co-production and recounts a tumultuous family drama that unfolds as 59-year-old Gara and 13-year-old Nada defend their land, which is set to become a military base, revealing layers of complexity that bond mother and daughter. The story of violence against women is echoed in the violence perpetrated against nature.

It should be underlined that CPH:FORUM has presented the Eurimages Co-production Development Award for the ninth year running, and this is the only documentary co-production market among the seven such markets selected for the prize.

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(Traducción del inglés)

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