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Abre el plazo de inscripciones para el Summer School in Cinema, Human Rights and Advocacy


- Esta iniciativa de formación, cuyo plazo de inscripción está abierto hasta el 30 de mayo, tendrá lugar del 29 de agosto al 7 de septiembre de 2022 en el Global Campus Headquarters del Lido de Venecia

Abre el plazo de inscripciones para el Summer School in Cinema, Human Rights and Advocacy
Los participantes en una edición anterior del Summer School in Cinema, Human Rights and Advocacy

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

The 17th Summer School in Cinema, Human Rights and Advocacy is a training initiative, jointly developed by the Global Campus of Human Rights and Picture People, which will take place from 29 August-7 September 2022 at the Global Campus Headquarters on the Venice Lido, Italy.

The Summer School offers an intensive programme of lectures, workshops, working groups, tutorials, film screenings and discussions combining human rights expertise, media studies and video advocacy strategies.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

As part of the programme, participants are required to watch and analyse a selection of human rights-related screenings at the 79th Venice International Film Festival. Whenever possible, filmmakers and producers present at the film festival are invited to discuss their work with the Summer School participants. Those taking part will be provided with a “Cinema” category accreditation pass to the film festival, giving access to a selection of screenings.

This year’s programme is focusing on the rights of children and young people in the broader framework of human rights protection and promotion.

Nick Danziger and Claudia Modonesi, Picture People’s directors, will run the ten-day programme with contributions from experts in the fields of human rights, advocacy, film studies, film production and impact, and psychology.

Graduates, human rights professionals, media outlets, NGOs, advocacy and the third (voluntary) sector, and anyone who uses or is interested in using audiovisual media as a tool for promoting social change, are encouraged to apply to the school.

Global Campus is accepting applications until 30 May. Please click here to apply.

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(Traducción del inglés)

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