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Kids Kino Talks se acerca a las nuevas herramientas técnicas de la animación


- El webinario, organizado en colaboración con el Festival Internacional de Cine de Animación de Stuttgart y las Animation Production Days, propondrá un vistazo al futuro de la narración

Kids Kino Talks se acerca a las nuevas herramientas técnicas de la animación
Los expertos que participarán en las Kids Kino Talks de este año

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

In its second year, Kids Kino Talks is once again offering a series of cutting-edge webinars, organised by Kids Kino Industry, the Warsaw-based international co-production forum for films and series for young audiences. On 3 May, in partnership with ITFS – Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film and Animation Production Days, Kids Kino Talks will hold a webinar aimed at animators and industry representatives, called “SMART COLLABORATION – Embracing New Technical Tools in Animation”.

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The discussion is intended to take a deeper look at how new tools and technologies can be an enriching driving force in international co-sector and cross-sector collaboration, and will give a glimpse into the future of storytelling using such technologies.

As for the speakers, Kim Adams, director of Realtime Production at Nexus Studios, leads studio initiatives in real-time animation production across original TV and film, branded content and immersive storytelling, and supports the growth of Nexus Interactive Arts. She is also the co-founder of Adventure Lab, a social VR platform that connects audiences with virtual, live-hosted, interactive adventures.

Julia Parfitt, executive producer at Nexus Studios, has produced some of the studio’s most notable work, including the most heavily awarded advert of the decade, Honda “Grrrr”, the recipient of the highly coveted Cannes Film Grand Prix Award, as well as the Grammy-nominated music video for Franz Ferdinand’s “Take Me Out”, to name but a few projects. As head of Production at Nexus, she oversaw works such as the Oscar-nominated short This Way Up as well as several award-winning commercials and XR experiences.

Finally, Phil Stewart, head of Realtime at Blue Zoo, researches, develops and tests new technology and workflows. From researching rendering tech and programming a VR puppet in the Unreal Engine, to doing push-ups to test a new motion-capture suit, his department strives to stay ahead of the game.

The panellists have been experimenting with tools such as Unity, Unreal and Blender, and will share case studies to demonstrate the opportunities that these new tools can bring and how they can affect storytelling in animation. They will also discuss the pros and cons of integrating them into the production pipeline.

This edition of Kids Kino Industry Talks will be moderated by Professor Lilian Klages, CEO of, and executive producer at, the Danish-based company Parka Pictures Aps and the German-based firm Dreamin’ Dolphin Film GmbH. Participation is free of charge, and interested parties can sign up here.

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(Traducción del inglés)

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