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El taller Ex Oriente Film celebra su segunda sesión


- En inglés: La segunda de las tres sesiones del taller Ex Oriente Film tuvo lugar en el marco del 19° Festival del Documental de Jihlava

El taller Ex Oriente Film celebra su segunda sesión
Dida, Granny and Us by Nikola Ilić and Corina Schwingruber Ilić

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Ex Oriente Film, an international training programme supporting the development and funding of creative documentary films from Central and Eastern Europe, had its second out of three sessions during the 19th Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival.

The session focused on budgeting, the legal aspects of co-productions, and strategies for selecting commissioning editors and the proper television format, as well as how to achieve a deeper creative development of the projects, the rough material and the documentary script. It had a partly separate programme for directors and producers, with a strong emphasis on the development of the projects’ distribution strategies.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

The participants (see full list below) benefited from a programme that included master classes and lectures by Anja Salomonowitz on “Transforming Casting into Script”, Siniša Juričić on “An Introduction to Budgeting”, Xavier Rashid on “Understanding International Sales and How to Negotiate Your Foreign Rights”, Mira Janek on the visual style of films, characters and themes, Stefan Rull on “The Legal Issues of International Co-productions”, Alex Szalat on “Interview with a Commissioning Editor” and Tobias Buchner on “There Is Always Something More to Tell”.

They also listened to a panel on “The Pitfalls of the Producer-Director Relationship”, moderated by Mikael Opstrup, participated in open master classes by Viktor Kossakovsky and Laurent Bécue-Renard, and saw a case study on “How to Run an Independent Production Company Like an NGO”, focusing on the most prolific Czech documentary production company, Hypermarket Film, presented by Filip Remunda and Tereza Horská.

The third and final session will take place from 7-13 March 2016 in Prague, within East Doc Platform and the One World International Film Festival.   

The 2015 Ex Oriente Film selected projects were:

Director: Iva Radivojević, producer: Murat Selin
Production company: Parabola Films
Canada, Croatia, France 

Circus Rwanda
Director: Varga Michal, producer: Novák Marek
Production company: Xova Films
Czech Republic

Dida, Granny and Us
Directors: Nikola Ilić and Corina Schwingruber Ilić, producer: Franziska Sonder
Production company: Joint Venture Film Production

Director: Petra Seliškar, producer: Brand Ferro
Production company: Petra Pan Film Production

The Land
Director: Marko Šipka, producer: Zoran Galić
Production company: VizArt Production
Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Open Air
Director: Tatyana Soboleva, producer: Hugues Landry
Production company: Inthemood...

Over the Limit
Director: Marta Prus, producer: Maciej Kubicki
Production companies: Telemark Sp and Ventana-Film

Paying a Visit to Fortuna [+lee también:
ficha de la película

Director: Mátyás Kálmán, producer: Anges Horvath-Szabo
Production company: COLLOC Productions

Petrila Planet
Director and producer: Andrei Dascalescu
Production company: Filmlab

Reach the Sky
Director: Michal Kondrla, producer: Michal Hlavačka
Production company: Protos Productions

River Tales
Directors: Veselina Dashinova and Aline Helmcke, producers: Tina Leeb and Mina Mileva
Production companies: Activist 38 Ltd and Celluloid Fabrik
Bulgaria, Germany

The Storks
Director: Tomislav Jelinčić, producer: Danijel Pek
Production company: Antitalent Produkcija

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(Traducción del inglés)

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