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La serie policiaca de Karin Fahlén Hostage se estrena el próximo mes


- La secuela del éxito sueco Stockholm Requiem contará otra vez con la participación de Liv Mjönes y Jonas Karlsson en el papel del popular dúo de detectives

La serie policiaca de Karin Fahlén Hostage se estrena el próximo mes
Liv Mjönes y Jonas Karlsson en la serie precedente, Stockholm Requiem

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Set a few years after Stockholm Requiem, the brand-new Swedish series Hostage is slated to premiere on C More on 6 February, and then on TV4 and TV4 Play on 20 February. Penned by Max Barton (the TV series Moscow Noir), it will once again revolve around popular detective duo Fredrika Bergman and Alex Recht, played by Liv Mjönes (Midsommar, Tigers [+lee también:
entrevista: Ronnie Sandahl
ficha de la película
) and Jonas Karlsson (the TV series Beck, Quick), respectively.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

The show is directed by veteran Karin Fahlén, who has been working in film, TV, radio and theatre for over 30 years. The helmer previously worked on Stockholm Requiem, and her latest feature was All Inclusive (2017), a dramedy hinging on an eventful vacation in Croatia.

In this follow-up, Fredrika is now working at the Swedish Justice Department. When a plane is hijacked and the hijackers ask for the release of Said Kehlifi, a Syrian academic arrested in obscure circumstances by SAPO, Fredrika is asked by SAPO agent Eden Lundell (Ana Gil de Melo Nascimento) to help with the investigation and teams up with her former boss, Alex Recht. The plane soon becomes the pawn in a game between the deep state of Sweden, the investigators and the mysterious hijackers, whose real motives are not what they seem.

Alongside the two leads and de Melo Nascimento are actors Adam Lundgren (Hilma), Tsahi Halevi (All In), Gustaf Hammarsten (the TV series Thunder in My Heart), David Fukamachi Regnfors (the TV series Dough), Rita Hjelm and Zardasht Rad (The Average Color of the Universe [+lee también:
entrevista: Alexandra-Therese Keining
ficha de la película

Hostage is being produced by Martina Stöhr and Petra Jönsson for Kärnfilm (Sweden), in co-production with Black Spark Film & TV (Sweden), Nice Drama (Sweden) and Lunanime (Belgium). Germany’s Global Screen is in charge of the show’s distribution outside of the Nordic countries and the Benelux region, where it has been pre-bought by Belgium’s Lumière.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del inglés)

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