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VENECIA 2023 Venice Production Bridge

El 8° Book Adaptation Rights Market invita a 34 editores de todo el mundo


- La iniciativa conecta a los agentes literarios con productores presentes en la Mostar de Venecia para fomentar acuerdos sobre potenciales adaptaciones de libros

El 8° Book Adaptation Rights Market invita a 34 editores de todo el mundo

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

From 1st to 3rd September, the eighth edition of the Book Adaptation Rights Market is set to unspool, initiated by Venice Production Bridge and providing publishing houses and selected literary agents with a dedicated space in which to connect, via one-to-one meetings, with producers attending the 80th Venice International Film Festival (unfolding 30 August – 9 September).

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Taking place in the Hotel Excelsior on Venice’s Lido, these meetings will provide an opportunity to conclude deals on the film adaptation of novels, plays, children’s books, short stories, comic books, graphic novels, essays and biographies.

Each year, the Book Adaptation Rights Market places a spotlight on a different literary genre; this year, it’s the turn of books for children and young adults.

Unlike other publishing initiatives organised within the film festival sphere, the BARM will allow invited publishing houses to bring the entirety of their catalogues along, to offer all of their texts up for transformation into film screenplays, rather than just one book or volume.

Following the call of 23 January, 34 international publishing houses and literary agents have been selected to attend the Book Adaptation Rights Market, while this year’s VPB Focus will be on Germany and Quebec, with other publishers and literary agents from these regions also getting to take part in the Market.

The 34 publishers and literary agents selected for this year’s edition of the Book Adaptation Rights Market are: Auzou Éditions (France), Book on a Tree LTD (UK), Carlsen Verlag GmbH (Germany), De Agostini Libri (Italy), Diogenes Verlag AG (Switzerland), Éditions de Ta Mère (Canada), Editis (France), Editorial Anagrama S.A (Spain), Editrice Il Castoro (Italy), Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore (Italy), Grandi & Associati (Italy), Groupe HMH (Canada), Groupe Librex & Groupe Ville-Marie Littérature (Canada), Grupo Planeta (Spain), Hachette Livre (France), Hanser Publisher (Germany), Kodansha (Japan), Madeleine Milburn Literary, TV & Film Agency (UK), Matriochkas, Books & Films Creative Bureau (France), Mondadori Business Unit Ragazzi - Sperling & Kupfer – Piemme (Italy), Nosy Crow (UK), Overamstel Uitgevers (the Netherlands), Penguin Random House UK (UK), Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe GmbH (Germany), Reykjavík Literary Agency (Iceland), Rizzoli (Italy), Rowohlt Verlag GmbH (Germany), Singel Uitgeverijen (the Netherlands), Sulakauri Publishing (Georgia), The Deborah Harris Agency (Israel), The Dreamwork Collective (United Arab Emirates), The Italian Literary Agency (Italy), Tunué (Italy) and Ueberreuter Publishing House (Germany).

The new brochure containing the details of the publishers invited to the Book Adaptation Rights Market will soon be accessible in the ‘VPB Brochures Downloads’ section of the Venice Production Bridge website.

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(Traducción del italiano)

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