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INDUSTRIA / MERCADO Alemania / Europa

El Arthouse Cinema Training de CICAE se traslada a Berlín y abre una nueva convocatoria


- La 20.ª edición del programa para profesionales que dirigen salas de arte y ensayo tendrá lugar en Holzmarkt del 30 de octubre al 5 de noviembre

El Arthouse Cinema Training de CICAE se traslada a Berlín y abre una nueva convocatoria
El Holzmarkt de Berlín, nueva sede del Arthouse Cinema Training de CICAE

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

For the first time, the city of Berlin will host the Arthouse Cinema Training (ACT) initiative from 30 October-5 November 2023. Having now reached its 20th edition, this unique international programme organised by CICAE (the International Confederation of Arthouse Cinemas) gathers independent cinema professionals from across the globe for a week-long intensive workshop on running an arthouse theatre and advancing film culture.

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In detail, ACT will relocate to Holzmarkt, an event campus in the heart of the German capital, after 19 years in Venice, where it used to take place during the Venice Film Festival. In its 20-year history, over 1,000 independent cinema operators and industry representatives from 60 countries have taken part in the programme.

Kirsten Niehuus, managing director of Medienboard, is pleased to welcome the upcoming edition of ACT: “As the German capital of cinema, we are delighted that the renowned international CICAE Arthouse Cinema Training will take place in Berlin for the first time in October 2023. Cinema professionals of today and tomorrow will engage with the latest trends so that cinemas can maintain their firm place in a changing media landscape. Because here and throughout Europe, the following applies: only cinema can do what cinema can do!”

Dr Christian Bräuer, CICAE president and the person in charge of the ACT initiative, added: “We are pleased to announce that this unique event has found a new home in the centre of Berlin, one of the most vibrant cities worldwide. Arthouse theatres are vital to preserving the diversity of local cultures and the health of the entire film industry. Arthouse is part of Berlin’s DNA – no other place in the world can boast a greater number of independent movie theatres. The city’s uniquely diverse culture and extraordinary film and cinema landscape make it an ideal location for Arthouse Cinema Training.

“Professionalisation and innovation are the keys to preserving mission-driven arthouse cinemas within their local communities and as the beating heart of independent film. With Arthouse Cinema Training, we aim to contribute to revitalising cinema in close cooperation with local film professionals and our international partner networks.”

The new call for applications is already open – you can find out more at

ACT provides a diverse line-up of workshops, lectures, master classes and exclusive industry visits, in which participants get to trade secrets with top industry professionals, exchange experiences, network, and discover new opportunities, trends and developments within their industry.

The programme is held in English, and the fee of €1,785 (including VAT) covers the classes in Berlin and training materials, the participants’ hotel accommodation, as well as breakfast and lunches. The training is aimed at employees, programme designers and operators of arthouse cinemas who want to deepen their knowledge and skills; cinema operators who wish to open an arthouse cinema or transform their cinema into one; and employees of festivals, distributors and institutions who are keen to know more about the arthouse sector.

The ACT initiative is being supported by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, the Berlin Senate Chancellery and the FFA.

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(Traducción del inglés)

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