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EXCLUSIVA: Nelson Foix finaliza el rodaje de Zion


- El primer largometraje del director guadalupeño está producido por DACP - De l’Autre Côté du Périph’ y Kissfilms, y será distribuido en Francia por The Jokers

EXCLUSIVA: Nelson Foix finaliza el rodaje de Zion
Nelson Foix

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Having kicked off on 30 May, shooting on Zion by Nelson Foix wrapped in Guadeloupe on 13 July. This first feature film by the director (whose 2019 short film Ti Moun Aw also turned heads) stars Sloan Decombes, Zebrist, Axelle Delisle, Philippe Calodat, Don Snoop, Anthony Castagne, Mike Bureau and Lucile Kancel in its cast.

Written by Nelson Foix himself, the story revolves around 26-year-old Guadeloupian Chris, from Pointe-à-Pitre, who divides his time between crack deals in dark back alleys and getting his end away with young women. His talents as a biker one day catch the eye of Odell, a boss from a neighbouring area, who asks him to transport something in exchange for a shiny-new T-Max. But as soon as Chris accepts this dangerous mission, an unexpected and anonymous gift is left on his doorstep: a baby…

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Zion is produced by Laurence Lascary on behalf of DACP - De l’Autre Côté du Périph’ and by Slievan Harkin for Kissfilms, in co-production with France 3 Cinéma and Black Moon Films. Pre-purchased by Canal+, Amazon Prime Video and France Télévisions, the feature film also enjoys support from the CNC (by way of an advance on receipts and the fund for overseas cinematic works) and the Guadeloupe and Martinique region. Filming took place in Pointe-à-Pitre and its surrounds, with Martin Laugery heading up photography. Distribution in France is set to be steered by The Jokers.​

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(Traducción del francés)

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