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El programa de mentorado para productoras emergentes de EWA Network abre su convocatoria


- Las profesionales que deseen llevar sus carreras a una dimensión europea e internacional tienen hasta el 3 de septiembre para enviar sus solicitudes

El programa de mentorado para productoras emergentes de EWA Network abre su convocatoria

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

EWA Network has announced the launch of the fifth edition of its Mentoring Programme for Emerging Female Producers. Since its inception in 2018, this career enhancement initiative has successfully empowered female independent audiovisual producers across Europe. With the call for participants now open, the programme aims to identify six talented woman-identifying producers ready to elevate their careers to a European and international dimension.

EWA Network's Producers' Mentoring Scheme is specifically designed for female producers who have at least five years of proven experience in audiovisual production. The programme seeks to enhance core professional skills in vital areas such as financing, negotiating, management, and business development. By participating in the scheme, producers can solidify their positions in the European screen industries and pursue the next stage of their producing careers with confidence.

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EWA Network invites applications from dedicated female producers who possess a strong drive to grow professionally in the European and international market. The programme aims to promote diversity and inclusivity by encouraging filmmakers from countries with limited access to similar schemes to apply.

Interested candidates have until September 3, 2023, to submit their applications. Those meeting the eligibility criteria are encouraged to seize this exciting opportunity for personal and professional growth in the audiovisual industry.

To apply for the 2023 Mentoring Programme for Emerging Female Producers, visit the EWA Network's website and download the application form.

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(Traducción del inglés)

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