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PRODUCCIÓN / FINANCIACIÓN Alemania / Eslovenia / Francia

Not a Word, de Hanna Slak, se estrenará en la sección Platform de Toronto


- La nueva película de la premiada cineasta eslovena, una coproducción entre Alemania, Eslovenia y Francia, está protagonizada por Maren Eggert y Jona Levin Nicolai

Not a Word, de Hanna Slak, se estrenará en la sección Platform de Toronto
Maren Eggert y Jona Levin Nikolai en Not a Word (© Mitja Ličen)

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

The new film by Hanna AW Slak (whose previous movie The Miner [+lee también:
entrevista: Hanna Slak
ficha de la película
had a healthy and fruitful festival run in 2017 and 2018), Not a Word, will enjoy its world premiere in the competitive Platform section of the Toronto International Film Festival (7-17 September – see the news). It could be described as an intimate drama, a chamber piece that deals with the challenges of professional and family life from the perspective of a single mother.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

The film tells the story of conductor Nina (Maren Eggert, of I’m Your Man [+lee también:
entrevista: Maria Schrader
ficha de la película
fame), whose practice sessions with the orchestra are interrupted by an accident involving her son Lars (Jona Levin Nicolai in his first big-screen role). The pair head to a holiday house on a deserted island for a while in order to start communicating again. As a winter storm hits the island, the tension between them, fuelled by a lack of trust, comes to a head.

Along with Maren Eggert and Jona Levin Nicolai, the cast includes Marko Mandić (a recognisable face in both Slovenian and German cinema), Gina Haller, Mehdi Nebbou (glimpsed in a number of high-profile films, from Munich to House of Gucci) and Maryam Zaree. The film was lensed by cinematographer Claire Mathon (known for her work on Portrait of a Lady on Fire [+lee también:
entrevista: Céline Sciamma
ficha de la película
, Spencer [+lee también:
ficha de la película
, Atlantics [+lee también:
entrevista: Mati Diop
ficha de la película
and others) and was edited by Bettina Böhler (who frequently collaborates with Christian Petzold), and it features original music by Amélie Legrand (who also scored Slak’s previous film). Slovenian conductor Živa Ploj Peršuh served as an expert consultant.

Not a Word was produced by Germany’s Volte, France’s Ici et Là Productions and Slovenia’s Tramal Films. Michel Balagué, Miha Černec, Jožko Rutar and Christophe Bruncher served as producers and co-producers. The project was supported by the Slovenian Film Centre, RTV Slovenia, Eurimages and Creative Europe – MEDIA.

The majority of the principal photography took place on the French Atlantic coast.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del inglés)

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