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ROMA 2023

Crítica: Mi fanno male i capelli


- Roberta Torre rinde un homenaje muy particular a la amada actriz Monica Vitti, enriquecido por la música de Shigeru Umebayashi y con un Alba Rohrwacher en estado de gracia

Crítica: Mi fanno male i capelli
Alba Rohrwacher en Mi fanno male i capelli

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“My hair hurts” is the famous sentence uttered by Monica Vitti in Michelangelo Antonioni’s Red Desert, and also the title of the new film directed by Roberta Torre, shown in competition at the 18th Rome Film Fest. Not a biography of Vitti, but a very particular homage that the director of Tano da morire (and of the more recent The Fabulous Ones [+lee también:
entrevista: Roberta Torre
ficha de la película
, seen at the Giornate degli Autori in Venice last year and then awarded at the IDFA in Amsterdam) dedicates to the Rome actress who made talian cinema history, and who disappeared aged 90 in 2022 after a long degenerative illness that had already kept her far from the scene for many years.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Also conceived and written by Torre, in collaboration with Franco Bernini, Mi fanno male i capelli [+lee también:
ficha de la película
opens on a wide beach with a beautiful blonde woman who no longer remembers who she is and where her house is. She is called Monica (Alba Rohrwacher, here more luminous and vibrant than ever) and is reported by a passer-by to her husband Edoardo (a touching Filippo Timi), to whom the woman, not recognising him, offers her hand to introduce herself. Monica has an irreversible illness, Korsakoff’s syndrome, and she’s losing her memory. One day, hearing a sentence uttered by Monica Vitti in an old film (“I feel as though I am forgetting something every day”), something clicks in her. She starts to identify with the woman she sees on the screen, reproducing from time to time her jokes, her hairstyles and her clothes. She does so under the eyes of her loving husband who, after the initial concern, accepts to play along (“she hasn’t forgotten you, she’s involved you in her performance”, we explain to him) and becomes her accomplice, dressing up as Marcello Mastroianni if necessary.

From her films with Antonioni, to whom she was a muse in the trilogy of incommunicability (L’avventura, La notte, L’eclisse), to her most brilliant roles, amongst which the ones with Alberto Sordi such as Help Me, My Love and Polvere di stelle, the versatile actress lives again through the eyes of Monica, who recreates the scenes of her most famous films and reflects herself in the star, thus offering herself an alternative identity, since her own has dissolved together with her memories; in that sense, this expressively free film is also a beautiful homage to the 7th art and the emotions it leaves us with.

“I’ve had the chance to work at the same time with Alba Rohrwacher, Filippo Timi, Monica Vitti, Alberto Sordi and Marcello Mastroianni”, jokes Torre. To do so, she made use of the skilful editing of Paola Freddi. The film is also impressive for the splendid costumes by Massimo Cantini Parrini (2018 European Film Award for his work on Dogman [+lee también:
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) and for the original music by Japanese composer Shigeru Umebayashi (In The Mood For Love), celebrated this year the the Roma Cinema Fest with a lifetime achievement award.

Mi fanno male i capelli was produced by Stemal Entertainment with Rai Cinema, and will show in 70 Italian cinemas from 20 October through I Wonder Pictures and Unipol Biografilm Collection.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del italiano)

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