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El Festival ArteKino pone doce películas europeas a disposición del público


- Las cintas de jóvenes autores como Franciska Eliassen, Sabrina Sarabi, Pedro Aguilera, Adrián Silvestre o Dragomir Sholev forman la selección que se podrá ver gratis en 32 países europeos en diciembre

El Festival ArteKino pone doce películas europeas a disposición del público
Sister, What Grows Where Land Is Sick?, de Franciska Eliassen

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Works hailing from Norway, Spain, Poland, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Cyprus and France: launched in 2016 with the support of Creative Europe – MEDIA in order to bolster the circulation of young European arthouse cinema and raise its profile, the ArteKino Festival is back for its eighth edition, which will unspool from 1-31 December 2023. On the menu are 12 films that internet users will be able to access free of charge directly on as well as on ARTE’s cinema-focused YouTube channel. The programme will be accessible in 32 countries.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Standing out in the line-up are three films that were first unveiled at Locarno: Sister, What Grows Where Land Is Sick? [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by Norway’s Franciska Eliassen (Special Mention in the Cineasti del presente section and awarded the Amanda for Best Actress in its home country), No One’s With the Calves [+lee también:
entrevista: Sabrina Sarabi
ficha de la película
by Germany’s Sabrina Sarabi (winner of the Leopard for Best Actress in ​Cineasti del presente) and Semret [+lee también:
entrevista: Caterina Mona
ficha de la película
by Switzerland’s Caterina Mona (premiered on the Piazza Grande).

Also featured in the showcase are Splendid Hotel [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by Spaniard Pedro Aguilera (with French thesp Damien Bonnard in the lead role), My Emptiness and I [+lee también:
entrevista: Adrián Silvestre
ficha de la película
by his fellow countryman Adrián Silvestre (unveiled in the Big Screen competition at IFFR and winner of the Special Jury Prize at Málaga), and All Our Fears [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by Poland’s Łukasz Ronduda and Łukasz Gutt (which scooped multiple awards at the Gdynia Film Festival).

Also worth pointing out are A Sibila by Portugal’s Eduardo Brito, .Dog [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by Cyprus’s Yianna Americanou (Award for Best Co-production at Greece’s Iris Film Awards), Vamos a la playa [+lee también:
entrevista: Bettina Blümner
ficha de la película
by Germany’s Bettina Blümner and Ladybitch by her follow countrywoman Paula Knüpling and Spaniard Marina Prados, Fishbone [+lee también:
entrevista: Dragomir Sholev
ficha de la película
by Bulgaria’s Dragomir Sholev (singled out by filmmakers and critics in his home country), and the documentary Sundays by Greece’s Alethea Avramis.

Two awards (endowed with €20,000 and €10,000, respectively) will be handed out: internet users will be able to vote for the winner of the European Audience Award, while the Youth Jury Award will be given out by 15 European citizens aged between 18 and 25 (in partnership with Erasmus+). In addition, a European Cinephile Award (with an Interrail Pass into the bargain) will be bestowed upon two of the voters.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del francés)

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