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MIDPOINT Intensive Queer abre su convocatoria


- El programa de desarrollo de guiones da la bienvenida a proyectos de largometrajes con personajes y/o temas LGBTQ+ importantes para la película

MIDPOINT Intensive Queer abre su convocatoria
Una edición precedente del MIDPOINT Intensive Queer

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Earlier this year, the MIDPOINT Institute launched MIDPOINT Intensive Queer, a specialised script- and project-development programme aimed at nurturing diverse storytelling and offering vital assistance to filmmakers focusing on queer narratives. At its upcoming edition, the programme is expanding into a two-workshop format, catering to international creative teams – comprising writers, directors and producers – who are actively developing their feature-length fiction film projects. These projects prominently feature LGBTQ+ characters and/or themes integral to the narrative.

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Selected feature-film projects engage in a comprehensive two-workshop initiative, facilitating close collaboration on script refinement and project advancement while also offering prospects for financing, networking and co-production. MIDPOINT Intensive Queer will be partially synchronised with the MIDPOINT Feature Launch 2024 programme, with schedules being aligned to maximise networking possibilities, and leverage the collective presence of tutors and industry experts at these events.

Sullivan Le Postec, Intensive Queer tutor and group leader, explains: “Representation is crucially important. It takes a toll on queer people to grow up and go through life while almost never seeing characters like themselves in the stories they watch. Local content that showcases the diverse realities of queer life in different places and at different times is especially important. Movies with meaningful queer content are still much harder to finance, which is why a programme like this, which allows filmmakers to make their script the best it can possibly be, is a very important step towards seeing more queer stories on the screen in the years to come.”

The initial workshop is scheduled from 4-10 March in the Czech Republic. This session primarily concentrates on creative development and dramaturgy, providing insights into diverse industry facets such as financing and market positioning. Following this, a series of online consultations will be held in May. The subsequent and final workshop is set to take place from 26 June-3 July, initially in Prague and later in Karlovy Vary. This phase is dedicated to advancing scripts while integrating rigorous training on effective project presentation and promotional strategies. Immediately after this workshop, the project showcase occurs at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (KVIFF), where the selected projects are introduced to a discerning audience of industry decision makers, including funders, sales agents, producers and festival programmers. The presentations are followed by one-on-one meetings and further networking opportunities.

It's important to highlight the fact that, for the first time, KVIFF will serve as a venue for the handing out of the Eurimages Co-production Development Award, amounting to €20,000, destined for one of the projects presented during the Eastern Promises Industry Days. Projects participating in MIDPOINT Intensive Queer 2024 are eligible to vie for this award, granted based on the artistic excellence of the project and its potential to be sustained as a European co-production.

The call for applications is currently open, and the deadline is 8 January. Additional information regarding MIDPOINT Intensive Queer 2024, including the application form, can be accessed here.

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(Traducción del inglés)

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