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LES ARCS 2023 Industry Village

El Work in Progress de Les Arcs premia a Little Trouble Girls


- El primer largometraje de Urška Djukić se lleva el premio TitraFilm; Wind, Talk To Me de Stefan Djordjevic, Zion de Nelson Foix y The Swedish Torpedo de Frida Kempff, también premiadas

El Work in Progress de Les Arcs premia a Little Trouble Girls
A la izquierda, el productor Jožko Rutar (Spok Film), ganador del premio TitraFilm del Work in Progress con Little Trouble Girls, de Urška Djukić (© Les Arcs Film Festival)

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As part of the Industry Village of the 15th Les Arcs Film Festival, the Work in Progress which featured 13 feature film projects has handed out its three awards.

The main jury (composed of Fien Troch, Annina Wettstein and Paul Ridd) handed out the TitraFilm award (€10,000 euros in image and sound post-production services) to Little Trouble Girls, the debut feature from Slovenian director Urška Djukić (read the news). Written by the director together with Marina Gumzi, the script centres on 16-year-old Lucija, a shy and sensitive young girl who enters the local Catholic high school choir to fulfill her mother’s expectations. She spends her first year navigating between the environment’s expectations and her budding curiosity for eroticism….

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

A special mention went to another debut feature: Wind, Talk To Me by Serbian filmmaker Stefan Djordjevic. Written by the director, the script centres on 34-year-old Stefan who, guilt-ridden after hitting a dog with his car, decides to bring it with him to the lake from his hometown, where he is headed, in order to complete a film about his mother who has recently passed away.

The Alphapanda Audience Engagement award (centred on the film’s digital marketing and worth €6,000) went to Zion by French director Nelson Foix (read the news).

Finally, the 22D Music award (€10,000 to finance the production of an original score, with the winner selected by a jury that included composer Delphine Malausséna and sales agent Carole Baraton) went to The Swedish Torpedo [+lee también:
entrevista: Frida Kempff
ficha de la película
, the second feature film from Swedish director Frida Kempff.

The awards:

TitraFilm award
Little Trouble Girls - Urška Djukić (Slovenia)
Production: Jožko Rutar (Spok Film) (Slovenia), Staragara I.T. (Italy), Izazov 365 (Croatia), Nosorogi (Slovenia), Non-Aligned Films (Serbia)

Special Mention
Wind, Talk To Me - Stefan Djordjevic (Serbia)
Production: Non-Aligned Films (Serbia), Katunga (Serbia), Restart (Croatia), Spok Film (Slovenia)

Alphapanda Audience Engagement Award
Zion - Nelson Foix (France)
Production: De L'autre Côté Du Périph (France), Kissfilms (France)

22D Music Award
The Swedish Torpedo [+lee también:
entrevista: Frida Kempff
ficha de la película
- Frida Kempff (Sweden)
Production: Momento Film (Sweden), Amrion (Estonia), Inland Film Company (Finland), Velvet Films (Belgium)

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

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