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El 21.° Berlinale Co-Production Market anuncia su selección


- Un total de 34 proyectos, entre los que destacan los de Kateryna Gornostai, Antonio Lukich, Andrea Pallaoro, Mirjana Karanović, Sally Potter y Mira Fornay, se presentarán en la plataforma de coproducción

El 21.° Berlinale Co-Production Market anuncia su selección
La directora Kateryna Gornostai, que participa con Antonivka (© Oleksander Roshchyn)

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

The 21st edition of the Berlinale Co-Production Market is set to showcase 34 new feature-film projects from 27 different countries. They will be unveiled and discussed during the event scheduled to take place from 17-21 February. The producers behind the projects will have the opportunity to engage with potential international co-producers, world sales agents, TV broadcasters, fund representatives, streaming platforms, distributors and various financing partners from around the globe. Notably, 17 of the selected projects are helmed by women, marking an encouraging trend, while the total number of submissions has risen to 318, indicating a slight increase compared to the previous year. The Berlinale Co-Production Market is an integral component of the European Film Market, slated to run from 15-21 February.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Martina Bleis, head of the Berlinale Co-Production Market, commented: “Powerfully, and on a new level, these projects echo the issues that are currently occupying people’s minds: home and migration, parenthood and the fear of commitment, political and social conflicts – many topics are reflected in a number of projects with diverse approaches. Current political conflicts are sometimes examined through the lens of the past or, alternatively, in visions of the future. In addition to arthouse dramas and thrillers, the selection includes plenty of warmth and humour, and topics such as competition from artificial intelligence, the unexpected effects of climate change, intrigue in diplomatic circles and hand-tight family conflict are viewed from unusual perspectives. It will be extremely rewarding to see this material brought to the big screen.”

The official line-up comprises 18 fiction-feature projects that are partially funded, with budgets ranging from €600,000 to €5 million. Included in this selection are new ventures from noteworthy filmmakers such as Kateryna Gornostai, recipient of the Crystal Bear for Stop-Zemlia [+lee también:
entrevista: Kateryna Gornostai
ficha de la película
, and Antonio Lukich (Luxembourg, Luxembourg [+lee también:
entrevista: Antonio Lukich
ficha de la película
), both representing Ukraine. Additionally, there are projects by Andrea Pallaoro (Monica [+lee también:
entrevista: Andrea Pallaoro
ficha de la película
), Serbian actor-director Mirjana Karanović (A Good Wife [+lee también:
ficha de la película
), and a collaborative effort by Chinese-Japanese directorial duo Huang Ji and Ryuji Otsuka (Stonewalling).

In the Berlinale Directors section, three projects in their initial financing stages are featured – Sally Potter has showcased four films in the Berlinale competition, while Mira Fornay (She - Hero [+lee también:
ficha de la película
) and Babatunde Apalowo (All the Colours of the World Are Between Black and White) won awards at last year's Berlinale. Additionally, two film projects are seeking partnerships at both CineMart Rotterdam and the Berlinale Co-Production Market through the Rotterdam-Berlinale Express initiative. These are the new features by Andreas Fontana (Azor [+lee también:
entrevista: Andreas Fontana
ficha de la película
) and Fradique (Air Conditioner). In the World Cinema Market section, in collaboration with the Berlinale World Cinema Fund (WCF), the WCF-funded project Zone | Myths by Daria Yurkevich, a hybrid documentary-fiction, will be presented.

The line-up is rounded off by ten projects, selected from a pool of 171 submissions, set to be showcased at the Talent Project Market. This collaborative event organised with Berlinale Talents offers emerging producers a platform to present their projects while seeking potential international partnerships. A number of these titles delve into the exploration of queer existence amid challenging social, familial or political circumstances. However, the selection also encompasses a mystical horror narrative and an animation project featuring communication in sign language.

The companies participating in the Company Matching programme hail from France, Portugal, Singapore, Sweden and the UK. Participants have the opportunity to arrange one-on-one meetings with these firms, allowing for discussions on a structural level or regarding project slates, thus facilitating the exchange of ideas.

Here is a list of the official selection of projects and companies partaking in the 2024 Berlinale Co-Production Market:

Antonivka - Kateryna Gornostai (Ukraine/Lithuania)
Producers: Moon Man, Just a Moment

A Woman Builds - Huang Ji, Ryuji Otsuka (Singapore/Japan/Taiwan)
Producers: Akanga Film Asia, YGP-Film, Island X Pictures

Burnings - Jerry Carlsson (Sweden)
Producer: Verket Produktion

Divorce During the War - Andrius Blaževičius (Lithuania)
Producer: M-Films

Folk Play - Mirjana Karanović (Serbia)
Producer: This and That Productions

Fragments of This Beauty - Burak Çevik (Turkey)
Producers: Vayka Film, Fol Films

The Girl with the Leica - Alina Marazzi (Italy)
Producer: Vivo Film

Idda’s Breath - Irene Dionisio (Italy)
Producer: Kino Produzioni

Ich bin Marika - Hajni Kis (Hungary)
Producer: Proton Cinema

Last Trip - Ziad Kalthoum (Germany)
Producer: Mayana Films

Marriage by Abduction - Sophia Mocorrea (Germany)
Producer: NiKo Film

My Hands - Eoin Heaney (Ireland)
Producer: Feline Films Limited

Next Apparition - Julieta Amalric (Argentina/Uruguay)
Producer: Cimarrón Cine

Remains of Life - Sevda Shishmanova (Bulgaria)
Producer: Red Carpet

Screaming Girl - Antonio Lukich (Ukraine)
Producer: ForeFilms

The Side Effects of Trusting Life - Ahmad Ghossein (Lebanon)
Producer: Abbout Productions

To Die on Your Feet - María Paz González (Chile)
Producer: Quijote Films

To the Wedding - Andrea Pallaoro (Canada)
Producer: Good Question Media

Berlinale Directors

Alma - Sally Potter (UK)
Producers: Adventure Pictures, Sixteen Films

Londoner - Babatunde Apalowo (Nigeria/UK)
Producers: Polymath Pictures, Cato Street Productions, Sixteen Films

Twist the Rabbit - Mira Fornay (Czech Republic/Slovakia)
Producers: Cineart, Mirafox

World Cinema Market

Zone | Myths - Daria Yurkevich (Germany)
Producer: Doppelplusultra Filmproduktion

Rotterdam-Berlinale Express

The Diplomats - Andreas Fontana (Switzerland)
Producer: Alina film

Hold Time for Me - Fradique (Germany)
Producer: Seera Films

Company Matching Programme

Hobab (Sweden)
Momo Film Co (Singapore)
Paradise City (UK/France)
Special Touch Studios (France)
Ukbar Filmes (Portugal)

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del inglés)

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