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Sex, de Dag Johan Haugerud, se estrenará en la Berlinale


- La primera película de una nueva trilogía retrata las experiencias de dos hombres que desafían sus percepciones de sexualidad, género e identidad

Sex, de Dag Johan Haugerud, se estrenará en la Berlinale
Jan Gunnar Røise y Thorbjørn Harr en Sex (© Agnete Brun)

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Dag Johan Haugerud’s Sex is set to premiere in the Panorama strand of this year’s Berlinale, unspooling in the German capital from 15-25 February (see the news).

The Norwegian picture is the first instalment in the new “Sex Dreams Love” trilogy (see the news). In detail, Sex follows two men in heterosexual marriages whose unexpected experiences challenge their perceptions of sexuality, gender and identity. One has a sexual encounter with another man, without experiencing it as an expression of either homosexuality or infidelity. The other finds himself in nocturnal dreams where David Bowie sees him as a woman, stirring confusion and leading him to question how much his personality is shaped by the gaze of others.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Cecilie Semec (Titina [+lee también:
ficha de la película
) is attached as the project’s DoP. The main cast includes Thorbjørn Harr, Jan Gunnar Røise, Birgitte Larsen, Siri Forberg and Theo Dahl. The script was penned by Haugerud himself. Before embarking on the making of this feature, he worked as a journalist and as a dramatist for various dance and theatre companies. He has also published four novels.

He made his directorial debut with the short 16 Living Clichés in 1998 and has since helmed numerous other shorts, such as Lust (2000). His features include I Belong (2013), the acclaimed, Giornate degli Autori-selected Beware of Children [+lee también:
entrevista: Dag Johan Haugerud
ficha de la película
(2019) and Light from the Chocolate Factory [+lee también:
ficha de la película

The entire trilogy has received 19.1 million Norwegian crowns (approximately €1.67 million) in production support from the Norwegian Film Institute

“I am very pleased that Sex has been selected for the Berlin Panorama. As the first film in an upcoming trilogy, it is especially satisfying that it has found its way to one of the world's most significant film festivals,” commented Haugerud. “With Sex, I try to explore sexuality in a broad sense, but also to open up a space for what men can talk about when it comes to sexuality, gender and identity. Thanks to fantastic contributions from actors like Jan Gunnar Røise and Thorbjørn Harr, I hope it has become a film that entertains but can also be a starting point for meaningful conversations,” he continued.

“Our goal with the ‘Sex Dreams Love’ trilogy has been to get Dag Johan Haugerud's unique cinematic universe out to a larger audience both at home in Norway and internationally. With the first film, Sex, selected for the Berlin Panorama, we have got a brilliant springboard to an international audience," added producer Yngve Sæther

Sex is being produced by Yngve Sæther and Hege Hauff Hvattum for Norway’s Motlys. Arthaus is in charge of its domestic distribution. The world premiere will take place on 17 February, whilst the domestic release is slated for 1 March.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del inglés)

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