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FIFDH Impact Days anuncia su programa


- La plataforma dará la bienvenida a numerosos equipos de participantes, reunirá a profesionales de todo el mundo y presentará una serie de casos de estdio sobre campañas de impacto

FIFDH Impact Days anuncia su programa
La edición 2023 de FIFDH Impact Days (© FIFDH/Miguel Bueno)

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

The upcoming FIFDH Impact Days, marking their sixth edition, are scheduled to take place from 10-12 March, coinciding with the 22nd International Film Festival and Forum of Human Rights (FIFDH) in Geneva, which in turn runs from 8-17 March. The industry programme has finalised its schedule and is now accepting applications for industry accreditations (click here for more information).

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

FIFDH Impact Days has unveiled the line-up of 16 projects participating in the Impact Lab for this edition, originating from 21 different countries (see the news). The participants will publicly present their films and impact campaigns to an audience comprising changemakers, philanthropists and other accredited professionals. The programme caters to NGOs, filmmakers, impact funders, practitioners and the media. It includes impact case studies, keynote speeches and presentations of best practices by international impact professionals. Participants will also have an exclusive opportunity to engage with the entire advisory team of the Global Impact Producers' Alliance (GIPA), who will address questions such as: what exactly is an impact producer? Why is one necessary for my film? And why should my organisation engage in a documentary impact campaign?

Moreover, networking sessions will facilitate the forging of future impact partnerships, exploring potential collaborations, and connecting those present with international filmmakers, impact producers, philanthropists, journalists and representatives from key international NGOs located in and around Geneva.

This year's schedule features a series of film case studies, kicking off with "The Illusion of Abundance: An Ambitious Campaign Where Partnerships Are Key", highlighting the challenges faced by environmental activists Berta, Carolina and Maxima. The film depicts the hidden costs of unchecked development, showcasing the efforts of these women in combating corporate exploitation. Supported by numerous NGOs, the movie gained recognition at 95 festivals worldwide in 2023, winning awards at major human rights and environmental film gatherings. Speaker Matthieu Lietaert, impact producer at Not So Crazy! Productions and a filmmaker himself, will discuss the impact campaign surrounding the film, which began in Europe in 2022 and is now expanding across Latin America. The case study will illustrate the strategic planning involved and the crucial role of multiple partners in funding and executing the campaign. The film featured in the second case study, “Home Is Somewhere Else: Screening on the US-Mexico Wall”, is an animated documentary shedding light on immigrant youngsters and their families on both sides of the border. The campaign aims to foster empathy and solidarity by reshaping the narrative on migrant families through screenings, debates and workshops. Speaker Mariana Marín Romero, producer at Brinca Animation Studio, leads proceedings.

This year's panel discussions cover vital aspects of impact strategies in filmmaking. "Community Screenings: Strategies and Design" delves into the complexities of organising community screenings, addressing audience definition, event planning and partnership cultivation. Experts include Rowan Pybus, co-founder and creative director of Sunshine Cinema; Rodrigo Díaz Díaz, projects director at Taturana; and Ben Kempas, campaign strategist, Film and Campaign. It will be moderated by Patricia Finneran, impact fund officer at The Storyboard Collective.

Meanwhile, in "Measuring and Reporting Impact", impact strategist Khadidja Benouataf demonstrates in her keynote a practical impact measurement method using audience surveys before and after screenings. The subsequent panel explores various data collection methods and tools for assessing qualitative results, emphasising effective reporting to partners. Speakers include Patricia Finneran; Elaisha Stokes, senior programme manager at Chicken & Egg Pictures; and Ellen Schneider, founder of Active Voice Lab. Khadidja Benouataf will be moderating the panel, drawing on her expertise as the founder of Impact Social Club and a GIPA advisory committee member. These discussions offer valuable guidance for filmmakers seeking to gauge and communicate their projects' impact.

The detailed schedule of the 2024 Impact Days can be found here.

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(Traducción del inglés)

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