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El Consejo de Europa anuncia su segunda convocatoria de apoyo a la coproducción de series


- Después de una exitosa primera ronda, con siete proyectos seleccionados, el programa piloto para la coproducción de series lanza su nueva edición, con un presupuesto de 3,5 millones de euros

El Consejo de Europa anuncia su segunda convocatoria de apoyo a la coproducción de series

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Following a successful first round with seven series projects selected, the Pilot Programme for Series Co-Productions is launching its 2024 Call for Series Co-Production Support, boasting a total budget of €3.5 million. The Council of Europe, home of Eurimages, initiated the three-year Pilot Programme for Series Co-Productions with the goal of supporting high-quality series structured as international co-productions. This initiative aims to bolster independent producers and foster new collaborations.

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Fifteen countries (read more), represented by sixteen ministries and national agencies, have joined forces to provide financial backing for this exciting opportunity for series producers.

The Council of Europe Series Co-Productions Support offers final-stage funding for series co-productions, with a top-up grant of either €250,000 or €500,000. This grant is intended for co-productions between independent producers from the participating countries and those in other Eurimages member states, encouraging close collaboration with broadcasters and/or streaming services.

The call is currently open for producers from Belgium, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Portugal, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Spain. This year's submission deadline is set for 9 April 2024, 5 pm CET.

The next call is scheduled for Spring 2025.

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(Traducción del inglés)

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