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FEBIOFEST BRATISLAVA 2024 Bratislava Industry Days

REPORT : Work in Progress @ Febiofest Bratislava Industry Days 2024


- Un vistazo a los proyectos de largometrajes seleccionados en la novena edición del evento profesional eslovaco

REPORT : Work in Progress @ Febiofest Bratislava Industry Days 2024

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The ninth edition of Febiofest’s Bratislava Industry Days, Slovakia's premier industry event, showcasing forthcoming domestic films, recently unveiled its latest selection. The documentary projects Glorious Utopia and Sláva nabbed the prizes (with the latter taking home the Cineuropa Work in Progress Award – see the news), highlighting the event's role in spotlighting both seasoned and emerging talents in filmmaking and production. A total of ten projects, spanning feature-length films, shorts, documentaries and animations, were presented, including Marek Šulík's Ms. President (see the news) and Jaro Vojtek's Anaesthesia (see the news), both slated to be ready in the summer. Meanwhile, other projects remain at various stages of development and thus further from completion.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

We outline the feature-length projects below:

Julie Marková Žáčková, Rastislav Steranka and Katarína Gramatová during the pitch for Promise, I’ll be Fine (© Robert Tappert)

Promise, I’ll be FineKatarína Gramatová
The feature debut by newcomer Gramatová explores the vibrancy of youth against the backdrop of a struggling Slovak village. Gramatová takes on the roles of writer, director and editor for this project, which is a collaborative effort with Slovak producer Igor Engler, of DRYEYE Film, and is co-produced by Julie Marková Žáčková, of Czech production company Nochi Film, alongside public broadcaster Radio and Television Slovakia. This young-adult film addresses themes of manipulation within community dynamics, aiming to highlight the experiences of the marginalised with a cast of local non-professional actors, supported by experienced professionals Jana Oľhová (The Ballad of Piargy [+lee también:
ficha de la película
) and Attila Mokos (Fine, Thanks [+lee también:
ficha de la película
). Blending poetics and documentary realism, the film is currently in post-production and is expected to be completed by summer 2024. Support has been secured from the Slovak Audiovisual Fund, the Czech Film Fund and the Terra Incognita fund from the Kosice region in Slovakia. Producer Žáčková is actively seeking festivals, sales agents, distributors and broadcasters for the feature.

World of WallsLucia Kašová
Lucia Kašová's next venture after The Sailor [+lee también:
ficha de la película
(see the news) is the inventive “documentary sci-fi” World of Walls, filmed in South Africa, examining a society cleaved into two distinct classes: the affluent residing in secure estates, and the destitute surviving on the outskirts. This film juxtaposes the lives of two children from these opposing spheres, scrutinising the psychological ramifications of their surroundings and their influence on their worldview. Set against a South Africa bereft of its natural flora, Kašová's work probes the aftermath of ecological collapse and social disparity, underscoring the pronounced divide between wealth and poverty. Currently in the initial stages of production, with 40 days of filming scheduled, the project is being produced by Matej Sotník, of guča films, in co-production with Claw (Czech Republic), Harald House (Belgium) and The Audio Room (South Africa), with support from the Slovak Audiovisual Fund, the Czech Film Fund and Creative Europe – MEDIA. Targeting completion in mid-2025, the production team is actively seeking sales agents, broadcasters and distributors.

Soňa G Lutherová, Rastislav Steranka and Nataša Ďuričová during the pitch for Sláva (© Robert Tappert)

SlávaSoňa G Lutherová
Following her acclaimed debut, A Happy Man [+lee también:
entrevista: Soňa G. Lutherová
ficha de la película
, the documentary filmmaker and social anthropologist is preparing her next project, Sláva, which delves into the life of Sláva Daubnerová, Slovakia's preeminent opera director. The documentary aims to uncover the nuances of Daubnerová's life, showing her isolation amid professional successes and her neglected quest for personal satisfaction. Lutherová's narrative approach moves away from traditional storytelling, and she opts instead for a thematic exploration of existential questions, the essence of womanhood and the sacrifices made for artistic success, promising an in-depth look at Daubnerová's life and career. Currently in mid-development and backed by the Slovak Audiovisual Fund, with interest expressed from Radio and Television Slovakia, Sláva is being produced by Slovak company Azyl Production, with Czech outfit Film Kolektiv on board as a co-producer. The production team anticipates partnerships with German and Italian co-producers. Spanning more than three years, the project will blend archival footage with new material shot by Lutherová, aiming for a preliminary premiere in 2028. The team is actively seeking work-in-progress forums, festivals and co-producers for creative collaboration.

CrunkIgor Vodráška
Debuting filmmaker Vodráška is bringing his novel Crunk to the big screen. It’s a story that dives deep into the worrying surge in neo-Nazism in Central Slovakia, juxtaposed with the fervour of antifascist activism. The story follows Valas's quest for personal redemption amidst societal collapse, navigating the intricate moral quandaries where the distinctions between victim and aggressor become blurred. Set against a gritty backdrop featuring genuine locations and an underground aesthetic, the film's non-linear storytelling aims to dissect the neo-Nazi subculture, challenging prevailing stereotypes and examining the issue of toxic masculinity within this milieu. Vodráška plans to unfold the story – described by producer Miša Jelenek, of Art4, as a "dynamic art thriller" – across three distinct temporal layers, drawing inspiration from the cinematic style of Gaspar Noé. Currently in the final stages of development, the project is slated to be filmed in late 2024, with a potential release in 2026. The production team is in search of additional co-producers, alongside the already committed Czech production company love.FRAME, to bring this provocative project to fruition.

Marek Moučka, Rastislav Steranka and Tomáš Gič during the pitch for Glorious Utopia (© Robert Tappert)

Glorious UtopiaMarek Moučka
First-time director Marek Moučka embarks on a journey into the world of micronations, offering a fresh perspective on societal relationships and the concept of boundaries. Rather than merely showcasing eccentricities, this documentary seeks to probe the philosophical and humorous aspects of state and identity construction, especially relevant amidst today's geopolitical shifts. Adopting an artful, essayistic approach, Glorious Utopia aims to mix anthropological inquiry with a satirical take on statehood. Principal photography is scheduled for May 2024, with an anticipated release in 2025. Supported by the Slovak Audiovisual Fund and Creative Europe – MEDIA, the project is currently seeking co-production partners, with a preference for those in the Scandinavian region, although it remains open to collaboration with other countries as well.

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(Traducción del inglés)

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