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PRODUCCIÓN / FINANCIACIÓN Francia / Noruega / Bélgica / Reino Unido / Finlandia

Vladimir de Fontenay rueda Sukkwan Island


- Swann Arlaud, Woody Norman, Alma Pöysti y Ruaridh Mollica protagonizan el segundo largometraje del cineasta, producido por Haut et Court

Vladimir de Fontenay rueda Sukkwan Island
Los actores Swann Arlaud (© Fabrizio de Gennaro/Cineuropa), Woody Norman, Alma Pöysti (© Marica Rosengård) y Ruaridh Mollica (© Yellowbelly)

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

On 12 February, French-US director Vladimir de Fontenay kicked off the shoot for Sukkwan Island, his second feature, following Mobile Homes [+lee también:
ficha de la película
(unveiled in the 2017 Cannes Directors’ Fortnight). Standing out among the cast of this English-language film are France’s Swann Arlaud (winner of the César Award for Best Actor in 2018 for Bloody Milk [+lee también:
entrevista: Hubert Charuel
ficha de la película
and Best Supporting Actor this year for Anatomy of a Fall [+lee también:
entrevista: Justine Triet
ficha de la película
), young Brit Woody Norman (nominated for a BAFTA for Best Supporting Actor in 2022 for C’mon C’mon), Finland’s Alma Pöysti (nominated for the European Film Award and the Golden Globe for Best Actress in 2023 for Fallen Leaves [+lee también:
ficha de la película
) and Scottish-Italian thesp Ruaridh Mollica (who gave a strong performance in Sebastian [+lee también:
entrevista: Mikko Mäkelä
ficha de la película
at this year’s Sundance Film Festival).

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Adapted by the director himself from the novel Legend of a Suicide by US author David Vann, the story revolves around a young man who heads off to a secluded and hostile island to rekindle memories of his father. Ten years beforehand, they shared an experience that profoundly altered the course of their lives.

Produced by Carole Scotta and Eliott Khayat for Haut et Court (which will take care of the French theatrical distribution), Sukkwan Island is being co-produced by Norwegian outfit Maipo Film, Belgian firm Versus Production and the UK’s Good Chaos. Also on board as co-producers are Finland’s Aurora Studios, Norway’s Fjordic Film and Filmfond Nord, Belgium’s Proximus, VOO-Be TV and RTBF, as well as France’s Proarti. Other sources of support include the Brittany region, Creative Europe – MEDIA, the Norwegian Film Institute, the Inver Tax Shelter, the Global Screen Fund and Curzon. The 25-day shoot (which will take place in Norway and Scotland) will wrap on 1 June, with Amine Berrada (Banel & Adama [+lee también:
entrevista: Ramata-Toulaye Sy
ficha de la película
) serving as DoP.

As a reminder, Haut et Court currently has Drone by Simon Bouisson and Nino dans la nuit by Laurent Micheli (see the article) in post-production, among other films.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del francés)

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