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INDUSTRIA / MERCADO Ucrania / Europa / Estados Unidos

EAVE mantiene su exitosa colaboración con Netflix y la Academia de Cine de Ucrania


- El programa de ayudas dirigidas a los cineastas ucranianos ha seleccionado 25 proyectos en desarrollo de guion, y también ofrecerá asesorías y tutorías

EAVE mantiene su exitosa colaboración con Netflix y la Academia de Cine de Ucrania
La productora Iryna Kostyuk, que participa con The Dam

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Netflix, in collaboration with a network of various institutions, continues to support Ukrainian filmmakers and the country's film industry, which has been significantly impacted by the ongoing war. The Ukrainian Film Academy recently announced that 25 film projects would each receive a $10,000 grant for script development. These grants are supplemented with tailored consultations and mentoring from leading industry experts through EAVE.

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This marks the second collaboration between Netflix and EAVE. The grant programme, titled "Script Development and Exclusive Online Sessions with EAVE Experts", aims to support Ukrainian creators both within the country and abroad who have been affected or displaced by the conflict. The scheme's goal is to enable these creators to continue and develop their work.

The programme accepted original feature-film projects of at least 70 minutes in duration that were at the development stage at the time of application. Due to the high calibre of submissions, Netflix increased the number of grants to 25, each awarded to a two-person scriptwriter/producer team working on a feature-film project.

Pavlo Cherepin, a producer and recipient of the 2023 grant programme, praised the initiative: “Overall, I consider it extremely useful and one of the best examples of practical help given to Ukrainian filmmakers during the war. Thank you once again!”

Additionally, the Ukrainian Film Academy will translate all scripts into English at the conclusion of the programme. Exclusive online sessions with EAVE experts will be held specifically for the grant recipients. These sessions will include group discussions on major industry trends and individual sessions focusing on script and project development, including strategies for financing and marketing.

This initiative is part of the broader support for the Ukrainian film and TV industry provided by the Netflix Fund for Creative Equity. Over the past two years, 200 industry professionals have received creative stipends, and more than 650 Ukrainian filmmakers, scriptwriters, producers and other creatives have benefited from education and mentoring programmes. With Netflix's support, the Ukrainian Film Academy has also facilitated script-development grants for 48 projects and helped provide financial assistance for post-production on ten advanced film projects.

Here is the list of the 25 selected projects:

All Clear
Scriptwriter: Christina Tynkevysh
Producer: Sergei Konnov

Color of the Wind
Scriptwriter: Antonina Noyabrova
Producer: Anastasiia Bukovska

The Dam
Scriptwriter: Yaroslav Voitseshek
Producer: Iryna Kostyuk

The Enemy I Knew
Scriptwriter: Anton Bazelinsky
Producer: Igor Storchak

Scriptwriter: Sergii Masloboishchykov
Producer: Oleksii Moskalenko

Flowers Outside the Window
Scriptwriter: Trofimenko Victoria
Producer: Lukyanenko Olesya

Happy Days
Scriptwriter: Vladlen Odudenko
Producer: Iya Myslytska

Magic Mountain
Scriptwriter: Mykola Zasieiev
Producer: Natalia Libet

Milkweed Man
Scriptwriter: Oksana Grytsenko
Producer: Mykola Korotkiy

Mom, Where Are You?
Scriptwriter: Oleksiy Mamedov
Producer: Roman Klympush

New Dad
Scriptwriter: Anastasiia Lodkina
Producer: Hanna Koval (pen name Anna Eliseeva)

Scriptwriter: Marysia Nikitiuk
Producer: Solomiya Ilnytska

The Nuclear Club
Scriptwriter: Igor Savychenko
Producer: Dmytro Kozhema

On This Land We Are Free Flowers
Scriptwriter: Ivan Timshyn
Producer: Bella Terzi

Scriptwriter: Andriy Babik
Producer: Andriy Suyarko

Scriptwriter: Oksana Artemenko
Producer: Olena Yakovenko

Scriptwriter: Maksym Dankevych
Producer: Yuriy Prylypko

Scriptwriter: Anna Yatsenko
Producer: Volodymyr Yatsenko

Something Strange Happened to Me
Scriptwriter: Dmytro Sukholytkyy-Sobchuk
Producer: Vika Khomenko

Stolen Happiness
Scriptwriter: Kukoba Oksana
Producer: Diana Novyk

Scriptwriter: Nadiia Shmelova
Producer: Andrii Osipov

Vira’s Heart Desire
Scriptwriter: Tamara Nikitchyna (Molotkova)
Producer: Tetiana Shulika

Where the Sun Rises
Scriptwriter: Egor Olesov
Producer: Olha Maksiuk

Women Suicide Season
Scriptwriter: Anastasiya Gruba
Producer: Oleksandra Kostina

You Are Not Alone
Scriptwriter: Olena Shatseva
Producer: Mariia Semenova

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(Traducción del inglés)

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