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Girls Will Be Girls se lleva el máximo galardón de Transilvania


- La coproducción entre India, Francia, Estados Unidos y Noruega se lleva el Trofeo de Transilvania, y Dismissed de Horia Cucută y George ve Ganæaard, el Premio Romanian Days

Girls Will Be Girls se lleva el máximo galardón de Transilvania
Los directores Horia Cucută y George ve Ganæaard con su Premio Romanian Days a la mejor película por Dismissed

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Sporting an extra day for its 23rd edition, the Transilvania International Film Festival announced its award winners on Saturday. Even if the festival’s official competition was dominated by European features, most of the awards went either to non-European films or to European co-productions with other continents. The top prize, the Transilvania Trophy, went to the Indian-French-US-Norwegian coming-of-age drama Girls Will Be Girls [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by Shuchi Talati. Meanwhile, Sebastián Quebrada was deemed worthy of the Best Director Award for The Other Son [+lee también:
ficha de la película

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

There was only one award offered by the official competition jury that went to a 100% European film – a Special Mention for young actors Jarne Heylen and Joël in ‘t Veld, who star in Joren Molter’s Summer Brother [+lee también:
entrevista: Joren Molter
ficha de la película
. The Dutch-Belgian production also took home the Audience Award and the Ecumenical Jury Award, the first ever handed out at the festival.

A Romanian documentary took home three gongs: Isabela von Tent’s Alice On&Off [+lee también:
entrevista: Isabela Tent
ficha de la película
, which was shot over as many as ten years, won a Special Mention in the documentary competition, What’s Up, Doc?, the Romanian Days Award for Best First Feature and the FIPRESCI Award. The top prize in the Romanian Days competition went to Dismissed by Horia Cucută and George ve Ganæaard, while a Special Mention went to Mihnea Toma’s school documentary Family Weekend.

As for the What's Up, Doc? Competition, the main winner was KIX [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by Dávid Mikulán and Bálint Révész, a co-production between Hungary, France and Croatia. Besides the Special Mention for Alice On&Off, a second one went to the Czech documentary La Reine, directed by Nikola Klinger.

Italian director Daniele Luchetti was the main guest at this edition, winning a Special Award for Contribution to World Cinema.

Here is the complete list of award winners:


Transilvania Trophy
Girls Will Be Girls [+lee también:
ficha de la película
- Shuchi Talati (India/France/USA/Norway)

Best Director
Sebastián Quebrada - The Other Son [+lee también:
ficha de la película

Special Jury Award
The Adamant Girl - Vinothraj Palani (India)

Best Performance Award
Hassan Pourshirazi - The Old Bachelor (Iran)
Special Mention
Jarne Heylen, Joël in ‘t Veld - Summer Brother [+lee también:
entrevista: Joren Molter
ficha de la película

Romanian Days Competition

Romanian Days Award for Best Film
Dismissed - Horia Cucută, George ve Ganæaard (Romania)

Special Mention
Family Weekend - Mihnea Toma (Romania)

Romanian Days Award for Best First Feature
Alice On&Off [+lee también:
entrevista: Isabela Tent
ficha de la película
– Isabela von Tent (Romania)

Romanian Days Award for Short Film
Truth or Dare - Simona Borcea (Romania)

What's Up, Doc? Competition

What's Up, Doc? Award for Best Documentary
KIX [+lee también:
ficha de la película
- Dávid Mikulán, Bálint Révész (Hungary/France/Croatia)

Special Mentions
Alice On&Off – Isabela von Tent
La Reine - Nikola Klinger (Czech Republic)

Other awards

Audience Award
Summer Brother - Joren Molter

Ecumenical Jury Award
Summer Brother – Joren Molter
Special Mention
Where Elephants Go [+lee también:
entrevista: Gabi Virginia Şarga y Cătă…
ficha de la película
- Cătălin Rotaru, Gabi Virginia Șarga (Romania)

FIPRESCI Award for Best Film in Romanian Days
Alice On&Off - Isabela von Tent

SIGNIS Award for Best Short Film in Romanian Days
Cat Funeral - Ana-Maria Comănescu (Romania)

Special Award for Contribution to World Cinema
Daniele Luchetti

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del inglés)

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