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CinePlatform busca simplificar la gestión de la producción cinematográfica


- La nueva plataforma, cuyo lanzamiento oficial tendrá lugar el 2 de diciembre, ofrecerá una solución centralizada y económica para directores, productoras e instituciones educativas

CinePlatform busca simplificar la gestión de la producción cinematográfica

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

CinePlatform, a new film production management platform, will officially launch on 2 December, offering a centralised and affordable solution for filmmakers, production companies and educational institutions.

Developed in the North-East of England by industry professionals Laura Lee Daly and Chris Darby, CinePlatform aims to tackle the logistical challenges of film production with user-friendly tools and accessible pricing.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

“Our mission is to empower creatives by simplifying production management, so they can focus on storytelling,” said co-founder Laura Lee Daly. Key features include an all-in-one dashboard for managing schedules, budgets and communication, along with collaborative tools and subscription plans starting at just £18 per month.

Early adopters can explore CinePlatform through a free trial starting on 2 December. Visit for more details.

(Traducción del inglés)

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