Bratislava acogerá el 12.° Visegrad Film Forum
por Cineuropa
- Del 19 al 22 de marzo, la capital eslovaca volverá a convertirse en una parada obligada para cinéfilos y cineastas gracias al evento profesional y a su celebración del séptimo arte

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.
From 19-22 March, Bratislava will once again become a hub for cinephiles and filmmakers as the 12th edition of the Visegrad Film Forum (VFF) unspools. Renowned for its in-depth exploration of the art and craft of filmmaking, the VFF promises four immersive days of master classes, hands-on workshops and thought-provoking discussions, featuring some of the most celebrated figures in the industry.
This year’s spotlight shines brightly on Jay Rabinowitz, the legendary US editor whose work includes Requiem for a Dream, 8 Mile and The Tree of Life. Having begun his career with Jim Jarmusch, Rabinowitz has crafted a distinctive voice in the editing world. His groundbreaking approach to storytelling has earned him accolades such as a place among the 29 best-edited films of all time for Requiem for a Dream, as ranked by the Motion Picture Editors Guild.
Joining Rabinowitz are two other industry heavyweights. Juliette Welfling, an esteemed editor celebrated for her long-standing collaboration with Jacques Audiard, will share insights from her career spanning French masterpieces like A Prophet [+lee también:
entrevista: Jacques Audiard
entrevista: Jacques Audiard y Tahar Ra…
ficha de la película] and Dheepan [+lee también:
Q&A: Jacques Audiard
ficha de la película], as well as global hits such as The Hunger Games. Her accolades include five César Awards and an Academy Award nomination for The Diving Bell and the Butterfly [+lee también:
ficha de la película].
Ada Solomon, one of Romania's most influential producers, rounds off this exceptional trio. The founder of Hi Film Productions, Solomon has overseen the creation of internationally acclaimed works such as Aferim! [+lee también:
entrevista: Radu Jude
ficha de la película] and Toni Erdmann [+lee también:
Q&A: Maren Ade
ficha de la película]. Her films, which have won over 150 international awards, underscore her reputation as a force to be reckoned with in European cinema.
An integral part of the VFF is its collaboration with partner film schools across Europe, offering a platform for student filmmakers to showcase their work. Institutions like the Baltic Film, Media and Arts School (Estonia) and the Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School (Poland) will contribute to the vibrant exchange of ideas.
The event also reinforces its connection with the International Film Festival FEBIOFEST Bratislava, with accreditations valid for both festivals. This synergy amplifies the cultural and educational impact of the VFF, making Bratislava an unmissable destination for cinema enthusiasts this March.
The Visegrad Film Forum is not just about learning; it’s about fostering a community of creators, bridging borders and celebrating the transformative power of film.
For more information, click here.
(Traducción del inglés)
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