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The Creatives anuncia los guionistas elegidos para The Creative Connection 2025


- La alianza de nueve productoras de cine y televisión de dentro y fuera de Europa ha desvelado los participantes de la segunda edición de su taller de preescritura

The Creatives anuncia los guionistas elegidos para The Creative Connection 2025
La productora Carole Scotta (Haut et Court) y la guionista Susanne Farrell durante la primera edición de The Creative Connection

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

The Creatives, a prominent alliance of nine award-winning film and television production companies from Europe and beyond, has unveiled the writers selected for the second edition of The Creative Connection. This series of interdisciplinary pre-writing workshops is supported by the European Commission and will unfold across several European locations throughout 2025.

The selected writers represent a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences. You can find the complete list at the bottom of this article.

The workshop programme is structured into three phases, each zooming in on distinct aspects of storytelling. Workshop 1 (Brussels, Belgium, 27 January-1 February) focuses on exploring the themes that participants aim to tackle in their future projects. Activities will include interdisciplinary exchanges with outside experts and speakers, fostering a collaborative environment for idea development.

During workshop 2 (Guimarães, Portugal, 10-15 March), held in partnership with Oficina and Caminhos Do Cinema Português, the participants will delve into character creation and development through interactive sessions, group work and inspiration from external sources, such as excursions, exhibitions and meetings with local professionals.

Workshop 3 (16-21 June, Mallorca) is all about project shaping. This final phase, a residential workshop, will be held in collaboration with the Mallorca Film Commission. Writers and producers will join forces to refine their projects, culminating in a comprehensive development framework.

Furthermore, The Creatives recently announced significant developments within its organisation, including the appointment of veteran media executive Romain Bessi as CEO and the initiation of its first financing round. This move aims to establish a pioneering structure for the alliance, blending the strengths of its member companies into a unique, producer-owned studio model.

Founded by some of Europe’s leading production companies, The Creatives boasts the involvement of Haut et Court (France), Lemming Film (Netherlands), Maipo Film (Norway), Razor Film (Germany), Spiro (Israel), Unité (France), Good Chaos (UK), Masha (USA) and Komplizen Film (Germany). Versus Production (Belgium) is collaborating as a key partner for this edition.

Here is the full list of participants for 2025:

Tamara Bos (Netherlands)
Friederike Jehn (Germany)
Erez Kav-El (France/Israel)
Alexander Lindh (Germany/Finland)
Marta Savina (Italy)
Tiffany Tavernier (France)
Stephen Uhlander (Sweden/Norway)
Michal Vinik (Hungary/Israel)
Nessa Wrafter (Ireland)
Valérie Zenatti (France)

(Traducción del inglés)

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