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La distribución en Francia (informe CNC, julio 2008)

The study published by Cnc (July 2008) related to the French film distribution, points out the evolution of the French distribution market over the last ten years.
The main development factor is the increase of the offer (plus 25,9%, trend that involves also the number of copies distributed for each film and the average time for exposure). Another relevant data is given by the evolution of the combinations of film releases, as the stagger and seasonality.
More in general the report shows an increase in the number of distributors parallel to the reduction of the concentration in the distribution sector. The total turnover of the distribution sector in 2007 reached 430m euro.
The data regarding film distribution are analyzed according to nationality, indication of arthouse films, combination of releases and genre.
See the report:

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

pdf (328 kb) Report Distribution France

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