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actualización 10/03/2014


Presentation and Philosophy:

« Institut national supérieur des arts du spectacle et des techniques de diffusion »

(INSAS) is part of the Belgian French speaking community higher education system. During the 50 years of its existence it has gained an important reputation in both cinema and theatre, in Belgium and beyond. Students coming from all over the world keep the environment international and diverse, mirroring the one where students will have to operate in the future.

In the cinema field, INSAS has a specialisation in directing, screenwriting, production and three technical ones (cinematography, sound and editing). For theatre, one in dramatic performance and another one in directing, scenography, stage techniques production, and writing. A common approach of artistic work, instrumental practice and team reflection is used.

The target is to give a critical and systematic perspective of all the taught contents and practices, in order to maximise originality and autonomy in students’ creations and development of ideas. This passes also through an articulation of theoretical, technical and practical knowledge and the creation of links between the wide range of disciplines taught.

The aim is to develop the autonomous initiative of students. The teaching staff is composed by well-known professionals of the sector, in order to build a solid bridge between the academic world and the professional one.

Number of students/ full-time/ part-time workshops: +/- 250

Number of students in film/animation studies: 10-15 students per class

Number of teachers: 135

Degree category/length of studies:

BA in Cinematography

BA in Dramatic performance

BA in Film Editing/Continuity

BA in Film directing

BA in Theatre directing and stage techniques

BA in Sound techniques

MA in Cinema

-       Film directing

-       Screenwriting

-       Cinematography

-       Editing

MA Radio-Television-Multimedia

-       Sound

-       Radio/television directing

MA in Dramatic Performance

MA in Theatre

-       Theatre directing

-       Scenography

-       Production

-       Writing

Programme objective and content:

Audio-visual education at INSAS is structured in 4 options: direction (film, radio-television), cinematography, sound techniques, editing/continuity. Theatre education has 2 options: dramatic performance and theatre.

Each option has its own specificity, but also a common path with the other disciplines, notably for the final personal work that requires a combination of all the acquired knowledge. The practical work is to be completed with a theoretical written work.

Admission and entry requirements:

An entrance examination on artistic attitude of the future student must be passed. The entrance examination will take place on August 27- September 19. The registration to the examination can be done between the 1st May and August 14.

Candidates have to meet the general conditions of acces to artistic higher education of the Belgian French-speaking Community.

Fees : €100 Management Fees of the registration file (to pay before August, 17)

For short training (cinematography, sound techniques, editing/continuity) :

-       BA 1st & 2nd year: €175.01

-       3rd year BA: €227.24

For long training (direction, theatre, dramatic performance) :

-       BA 1st & 2nd year: €350.03

-       BA 3rd year  & MA : €454.47

School Information:

Institut national supérieur des arts du spectacle et des techniques de diffusion

Rue Thérésienne, 8 -1000 Bruxelles // Rue Jules Bouillon, 1 -1050 Ixelles

Phone : +32 2 511 92 86



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