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Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

actualización 07/06/2016

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Greece


Presentation & Philosophy

The Film School at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is the first, and only to this day, university film school in Greece. It was founded on the 22nd of July 2004, with the expressed purpose of ‘cultivating and promoting the art of cinema’ and ‘creating fully educated professionals’. It is public and free of charge. It is the fourth School of the Faculty of Fine Arts; the others being the School of Visual and Applied Arts, the School of Music Studies, and the School of Drama. The Film School first opened its doors in the academic year 2004-2005.

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The Film School's educational philosophy can be summarized in the insoluble connection between practice and theory, and the equal status of its eight 'directions': (a) film-direction, (b) film-production, (c) film-writing, (d) cinematography, (e) editing, (f) sound-design and music for film, (g) sets and costumes, and (h) film history and film theory. The School aims to promote the art of filmmaking, within the framework of broad audiovisual education, through applied research and teaching activities. Moreover, it aims to provide students with advanced knowledge in the main subjects taught in the programme, and with theoretical and practical training directly related to their main field of study, qualifying them for employment in the public and private sector. The School offers students the theoretical and critical tools necessary for research at a more advanced level, as well as the possibility to continue their studies in the School at a doctoral level.

Number of students in the Film School: 653

Number of international students: 27

Number of teachers: 17

Degree category / length of studies:  

Integrated 1st and 2nd Cycle / 10 SEMESTERS (5 years), 300 ECTS.

Programme objective and content:

To graduate from the Film School, students have to successfully attend courses (compulsory and elective) for 300 ECTS. It is a five-year course. During the first four years, each year has 60 ECTS and each semester 30 ECTS. During the fifth year of their studies, students complete their final-year project (40 ECTS) and their dissertation (20 ECTS).

The university degree offered by the Film School is based on two integrated educational cycles. The first cycle is comprised of core courses on filmmaking, as well as film theory and history; and also includes didactics of film and a foreign language. In the second cycle, each student elects the courses that s/he attends, as well as their final-year project, in order to specialize in one of the following fields: (a) film-direction, (b) film-production, (c) film-writing, (d) cinematography, (e) editing, (f) sound-design and music for film, (g) sets and costumes, and (h) film history and film theory.

The Film School aims to cultivate the art of filmmaking, as well as to research and study film as an art-form. Graduates have a wide, theoretical and practical, knowledge of film as a medium, as well as expert knowledge in the field of their choice.

Admission and entry requirements:

Upper secondary degree (6 years of studies). National level examination.


Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Faculty of Fine Arts

Film School

Administration Building "K. Karatheodori", Ground Floor

University Campus

54124 Thessaloniki


 Τ: +30 2310 997161

F: +30 2310 994342


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