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by Guido Hendrikx


An enigmatic entity roams the Dutch hinterlands, silently pointing a camera at all that it encounters. Soon it finds itself standing in front of a doorway. Met with an uninvited, inscrutable camera operator, how will the region’s inhabitants respond?

international title: A Man and a Camera
original title: A Man and a Camera
country: Netherlands
sales agent: Square Eyes
year: 2021
genre: documentary
directed by: Guido Hendrikx
film run: 64'
screenplay: Guido Hendrikx
cinematography by: Guido Hendrikx
film editing: Lot Rossmark, Rens Christiaansen, Guido Hendrikx
music: Jeanne Susin
producer: Jasper Boon, Ena Sendijarević, Wouter Jansen, Guido Hendrikx
production: Aventura, boondocs

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