Pregnant, sixteen-year-old Camille is placed in a home for teen mothers by a family court judge. Separated from her own loving yet toxic mother, she strikes up a friendship with Alison, another rather immature underage mother, and rebels against the social worker Nadine, a passionate, albeit blasé authority figure. These encounters will change her destiny.
international title: | Little Ones |
original title: | Petites |
country: | France |
sales agent: | Be for Films |
year: | 2022 |
genre: | fiction |
directed by: | Julie Lerat-Gersant |
film run: | 90' |
screenplay: | Julie Lerat-Gersant |
cast: | Pili Groyne, Romane Bohringer, Victoire Du Bois, Lucie Charles-Alfred, Suzanne Roy-Lerat, Bilel Chegrani, Shirel Nataf |
cinematography by: | Virginie Saint-Martin |
film editing: | Mathilde Van de Moortel |
producer: | Sophie Révil, Denis Carot |
production: | Escazal Films |