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by Mira Erdevicki


Three Roma living in the UK, but with close ties to Central Europe, film themselves over a critical period as their lives are transformed by the unprecedented combination of Brexit and Covid.

international title: Leaving to Remain
original title: Leaving to Remain
working title: One More Question
country: Slovakia, United Kingdom, Czech Republic
year: 2022
genre: documentary
directed by: Mira Erdevicki
film run: 92'
cinematography by: Marek Jícha
film editing: David Charap, Krasimira Velitchkova
producer: Martin Juza, Zuzana Mistríková, Lucie Wenigerova
production: PubRes, Spring Films, Krutart, Czech Television - Česká televize, Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska - Radio and Television Slovakia
distributor: Verve Pictures

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