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by Mátyás Prikler


A young scout is killed by a stray bullet during a hunting expedition involving prominent political figures. Pressured to wrap up the case, the intelligence service coaxes ailing lawyer Marus Steiner to serve as a fixer. Steiner's clean-up job brings him into the orbit of several characters, an idealist minister fighting the privatisation of water, the grieving family of the victim, an independent journalist, and a crude cop, all seeking to conceal or expose the truth.

international title: Power
original title: Moc
country: Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic
year: 2023
genre: fiction
directed by: Mátyás Prikler
film run: 94'
screenplay: Marek Lescák, Mátyás Prikler
cast: Szabolcs Hajdu, Roman Polák, Jan Kačer, Lucia Kašová, Mihály Kormos
cinematography by: Gergely Pálos
film editing: Matej Beneš
producer: Zora Jaurová, Mátyás Prikler
production: MPhilms Ltd., Proton Cinema, Negativ Film Productions

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