In the high alps, far from everything, Felix looks after his herd, living for months in a mineral and inaccessible world where an invisible being prowls: the wolf. Solitude shrouds his days in the mountains, filled with caring for lambs, fencing and poetry.
international title: | A Shepherd |
original title: | Un pasteur |
country: | France |
sales agent: | AndanaFilms |
year: | 2024 |
genre: | documentary |
directed by: | Louis Hanquet |
film run: | 70' |
screenplay: | Louis Hanquet |
cinematography by: | Louis Hanquet |
film editing: | Agathe Hervieu, Tania Goldenberg |
music: | Julien Ribot |
producer: | Raphael Pelissou, Valérie Montmartin |
production: | Little Big Story |