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by Raoul Peck


Ernest Cole, a South African photographer was the first to expose the horrors of apartheid to a world audience. His book House of Bondage, published in 1967 when he was only 27 years old, led him into exile in NYC and Europe for the rest of his life, never to find his bearings.

international title: Ernest Cole, Lost and Found
original title: Ernest Cole, Lost and Found
country: France, United States
sales agent: mk2 films
year: 2024
genre: documentary
directed by: Raoul Peck
film run: 105'
screenplay: Raoul Peck
cast: Lakeith Stanfield
cinematography by: Wolfgang Held, Moses Tau
film editing: Alexandra Strauss
music: Alexei Aigui
production: Velvet Film, ARTE France Cinéma, Velvet Film (US)
distributor: Condor Distribution

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