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by Vincent Paronnaud, Alexis Ducord


10-year-old Angelo, an aspiring explorer, hits the road with his family to visit his beloved granny. When his distracted parents leave him behind at a rest stop, he is left to his own devices and decides to cut through the forest in search of his family. He then enters a mysterious world inhabited by strange and wonderful creatures, some friendlier than others…

international title: Into the Wonderwoods
original title: Angelo, dans la forêt mystérieuse
country: France, Luxembourg
sales agent: Urban Sales
year: 2024
genre: animation
directed by: Vincent Paronnaud, Alexis Ducord
film run: 81'
screenplay: Vincent Paronnaud
film editing: Julie Salon
music: Olivier Bernet
production: Je Suis Bien Content, Gao Shan Pictures, Zeilt Productions
distributor: Le Pacte

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