The story of a group of four boys and two girls aged between 12 and 14, who live in a village and meet up in the forest after school. Sebastian – the most precocious of the group – likes to tell strange, rather frightening stories and proves to be an expert on nature’s secrets. Obsessed by death and the realm beyond, he exerts an increasing influence over his friends and encourages them to carry out experiments on ants and question the religion represented in the village by Father Gabriel. His influence grows more and more dangerous, leading to tragedy.
international title: | The Seventh Circle |
original title: | A Hetedik kör |
country: | Hungary |
year: | 2008 |
genre: | fiction |
directed by: | Árpád Sopsits |
screenplay: | Árpád Sopsits |
cast: | Zsolt Trill, Benett Vilmányi, Tamas Eross, Anna Vicsotka, Lajos Kovács, Sándor Gáspár, Feró Nagy |
cinematography by: | Márk Gyõri |
film editing: | Mari Miklós |
producer: | Pál Sándor |
production: | Hunnia Filmstúdió |
backing: | Motion Picture Public Foundation of Hungary (MMKA) |