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LOCARNO 2022 Prix

Rule 34 remporte le Léopard d’or de Locarno


- Le festival a hissé sur la plus haute marche du podium le film fort et radical de la Brésilienne Júlia Murat ; on trouve également au palmarès les films d’Alessandro Comodin et Valentina Maurel

Rule 34 remporte le Léopard d’or de Locarno
La réalisatrice Júlia Murat avec son Léopard d’or pour Rule 34 (© Locarno Film Festival/Ti-Press/Massimo Pedrazzini)

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

The Golden Leopard at the 75th edition of the Locarno Film Festival is in line with the ambitions of its artistic director Giona A. Nazzaro who commented on the palmarès: "The prizes awarded by both the juries and the public reflect the vision that guided our artistic choices. At Locarno75, cinema has confirmed itself to be an indispensable tool for dealing with the unspeakable, with trauma, for approaching what seems far away, and to give shape to the complexity of reality by including diversity".

(L'article continue plus bas - Inf. publicitaire)

The films that make up the winning triptych of the International Competition: Brazilian director Julia Murat's Rule 34 [+lire aussi :
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(Golden Leopard), Alessandro Comodin's The Adventures of Gigi the Law [+lire aussi :
interview : Alessandro Comodin
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(Special Jury Prize) and Costa Rican director Valentina Maurel's Tengo sueños eléctricos [+lire aussi :
interview : Valentina Maurel
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(Best Director, Best Actress and Best Actor) are indeed part of those films that leave their mark, cinematic works that open one's eyes to uncomfortable realities too often relegated to the shadows, out of shame or perhaps simply out of fear of a diversity that one cannot accept because it is destabilising.

Surprising but definitely welcome was the decision of the jury of the Concorso internazionale to award the Golden Leopard to Rule 34, a courageous and radical film (aesthetically and thematically) that portrays a character who transforms sexuality (rigorously lived outside patriarchal heterosexual clichés) into a political act, into a claim for freedom that clashes against an oppressive social system. About the film, Giona A. Nazzaro says: "An important Golden Leopard for a cinema like Brazil's, which has written key pages in the history of world cinema. A cinema that is on the front line to defend an idea of a more inclusive and free world. Rule 34 brings Brazilian cinema back to the anarchic splendour of 'marginal cinema'. A bold and political work destined to leave an important mark. The body is political."

Although in a different register, The Adventures of Gigi the Law also imposes itself as a radical, unexpected and powerful film. Alessandro Comodin decides to stage his uncle, a character terribly typical of a certain Italian periphery little represented on the screen, whose fragilities he courageously and intelligently reveals.

Tengo sueños elécrtricos, Valentina Maurel's first feature film, instead presents itself as a work that refuses to succumb to stereotypes (gender stereotypes above all), presenting us with the bumpy path of an adolescent who tries to understand who she is outside of social conventions, refusing a normalisation that would have her docile and compliant. Eva, the film's protagonist, prefers to embrace the ambiguity of reality rather than submit to rules that she perceives as false and unfair.

The Cineasti del presente competition also rewards the audacity of two female directors who tackle uncomfortable issues such as violence against women and mental illness head-on: Nightsiren [+lire aussi :
interview : Tereza Nvotová
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by Tereza Nvotová (Golden Leopard) and Sister, What Grows Where Land Is Sick? [+lire aussi :
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by Norwegian director Franciska Eliassen (Special Mention). Tereza Nvotová tells the story of an ancestral struggle for the conquest of a denied freedom, for the affirmation of an identity that imposes itself outside gender stereotypes and the violence of a patriarchal society in which feelings must be stifled. Franciska Eliassen also stages a struggle, but this time a more intimate and personal one, that of the young protagonist trying to understand her sister, a prisoner of a world both fantastic and frightening from which she cannot escape. What does it mean to be 'normal'? What are the consequences of a mind that only interprets the world through its own rules? Still on the subject of European films, the Ukrainian work How Is Katia? [+lire aussi :
interview : Christina Tynkevych
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by Christina Tynkevych won the Ciné+ Special Jury Prize and the Leopard for Best Actress, while Safe Place [+lire aussi :
interview : Juraj Lerotić
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by Croatian director Juraj Lerotić won the Leopards for Best Director and Best Actor, as well as the Best First Feature Award (Special Mention to Love Dog [+lire aussi :
interview : Bianca Lucas
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by Bianca Lucas and De noche los gatos son pardos [+lire aussi :
interview : Valentin Merz
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by Valentin Merz).

As for the Piazza Grande, the winner of the Audience Award (UBS Audience Award) is the Swiss-Belgian co-production Last Dance [+lire aussi :
interview : Delphine Lehericey
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by Delphine Lehericey, a comedy that depicts the struggle of a man trying to rebuild himself after the sudden loss of his wife. Blandine Lenoir's French film Angry Annie [+lire aussi :
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won the Variety Piazza Grande Award.

The awards:

International Competition

Golden Leopard
Rule 34 [+lire aussi :
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- Julia Murat (Brazil/France)

Jury Special Prize
The Adventures of Gigi the Law [+lire aussi :
interview : Alessandro Comodin
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- Alessandro Comodin (Italy/France/Belgium)

Leopard for Best Direction
Valentina Maurel - Tengo sueños eléctricos [+lire aussi :
interview : Valentina Maurel
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(Belgium/France/Costa Rica)

Leopard for Best Actress
Daniela Marín Navarro - Tengo sueños eléctricos

Leopard for Best Actor
Reinaldo Amien Gutiérrez - Tengo sueños eléctricos

Cineasti del presente Competition

Golden Leopard
Nightsiren [+lire aussi :
interview : Tereza Nvotová
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- Tereza Nvotová (Slovakia/Czech Republic)

Best Emerging Director Award
Juraj Lerotić – Safe Place [+lire aussi :
interview : Juraj Lerotić
fiche film

Ciné+ Special Jury Prize
How Is Katia? [+lire aussi :
interview : Christina Tynkevych
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- Christina Tynkevych (Ukraine)

Leopard for Best Actress
Anastasia Karpenko – How Is Katia?

Leopard for Best Actor
Goran Marković – Safe Place

Special Mention
Sister, What Grows Where Land Is Sick? [+lire aussi :
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- Franciska Eliassen (Norway)

Pardi di domani Competitions

Corti d’autore Competition

Golden Leopard for Best Auteur Short Film
Big Bang - Carlos Segundo (France/Brazil)

International Competition

Golden Leopard for Best International Short Film
Sovereign – Wara (Cuba)

Silver Leopard
Neighbour Abdi - Douwe Dijkstra (Netherlands)

Best Directing Award
Hardly Working - Total Refusal (Austria)

Medien Patent Verwaltung AG Award
Mulika - Maisha Maene (Democratic Republic of Congo)

Special Mention
Mother Prays All Day Long - Hoda Taheri (Germany)

Locarno Film Festival short selected for the European Film Awards
Neighbour Abdi - Douwe Dijkstra (Netherlands)

National Competition

Golden Leopard for Best Swiss Short
Euridice, Euridice - Lora Mure-Ravaud (Switzerland/France)

Silver Leopard
Der Molchkongress - Matthias Sahli, Immanuel Esser (Switzerland)

Best Swiss Newcomer
Heartbeat - Michèle Flury (Switzerland)

Semaine de la critique

Grand Prix Semaine de la critique - Prix SRG SSR
The Hamlet Syndrome [+lire aussi :
interview : Elwira Niewiera et Piotr R…
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- Elwira Niewiera & Piotr Rosolowski (Poland/Germany)

Marco Zucchi Award
Fledgings [+lire aussi :
interview : Lidia Duda
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- Lidia Duda (Poland)

Zonta Club Locarno Award
Ruthless Times: Songs of Care [+lire aussi :
interview : Susanna Helke
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- Susanna Helke (Finland)

Other prizes

Swatch First Feature Award
Safe Place - Juraj Lerotić (Croatia)
Special Mentions
Love Dog [+lire aussi :
interview : Bianca Lucas
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- Bianca Lucas (Poland/Mexico/United States)
De noche los gatos son pardos [+lire aussi :
interview : Valentin Merz
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- Valentin Merz (Switzerland)

Green Leopard WWF
Matter Out Of Place [+lire aussi :
interview : Nikolaus Geyrhalter
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- Nikolaus Geyrhalter (Austria)
Special Mentions
It Is Night In America [+lire aussi :
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- Ana Vaz (Italy/France/Brazil)
Sermon To The Fish [+lire aussi :
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- Hilal Baydarov (Azerbaijan/Mexico/Switzerland/Turkey)

UBS Audience Award
Last Dance [+lire aussi :
interview : Delphine Lehericey
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- Delphine Lehericey (Switzerland/Belgium)

Variety Piazza Grande Award
Annie Colère [+lire aussi :
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– Blandine Lenoir (France)

Ecumenical Award
Tales of the Purple House [+lire aussi :
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- Abbas Fahdel (Iraq/Liban/France)

Stone Turtle - Ming Jin Woo (Malaysia/Indonesia)

Europa Cinemas Label
Tommy Guns [+lire aussi :
interview : Carlos Conceição
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- Carlos Conceição (Portugal/France/Angola)

(L'article continue plus bas - Inf. publicitaire)

(Traduit de l'italien)

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