“Quand Pickbox NOW a été créé, nous voulions éduquer le public sur les raisons pour lesquelles il est important de soutenir l’audiovisuel et de ne pas télécharger illégalement”
Dossier industrie: Distribution, exploitation et streaming
Sanja Božić-Ljubičić • DG, Pickbox, Mediatranslations, Mediavision et NEM
À l’approche de la prochaine édition de NEM Dubrovnik, nous avons discuté avec la directrice de l’événement et des sociétés Mediavision, Mediatranslations, et Pickbox, qui fête ses 10 ans

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With the upcoming arrival of the latest edition of NEM Dubrovnik, set to take place from 10 to 13 June, Cineuropa had the opportunity to sit down with Sanja Božić-Ljubičić, the CEO of both the event and the companies Mediavision, Mediatranslations, and Pickbox. The conversation coincides with the commemoration of a significant milestone: the 10th anniversary of the launch of Pickbox NOW, the first streaming service in the region. Delving into the dialogue, we explored the hurdles encountered during the service's inception, its notable strengths within the fiercely competitive streaming landscape, and the strategic vision guiding its future trajectory.
Cineuropa: Can you walk us through the journey of Pickbox over the past decade, including the launches of Pickbox NOW and Pickbox TV, and how the company navigated challenges?
Sanja Božić-Ljubičić: We launched Pickbox NOW as the first streaming service in the region in 2014 and Pickbox TV channel in 2018. Our circumstances weren’t easy – when we launched Pickbox NOW, paying for online content in the CEE was almost bizarre. It seemed like the audience was not seeing the value of paying for content online. When Pickbox NOW was launched, it was crucial to change that trend in the region. We wanted to show and educate the audience on why it’s important to support audiovisual art and not download it illegally. As the internet rose increasingly, the trends of streaming also went global and local audiences soon began to understand it better. Right about that time, other streaming giants discovered the market and then came another battle: the grass is always greener in the neighbour’s courtyard, and our region tends to see something not domestic as better, more polished. But we know our strengths and audience – we are not a streaming service for everyone but for those who enjoy quality content.
How did the introduction of Pickbox TV in 2018 impact the company's overall business model and audience engagement, and how do you differentiate from competitors in the streaming industry?
Introducing Pickbox TV channel was, for us, a logical thing to do. However, it is rarely the case that SVOD is launched first, and then the linear pay-TV channel. The decision came from understanding the local audience – and for the local audience, TV is king. We knew it was going to allow us to enter more households, raise awareness for Pickbox NOW, and strengthen our partnerships with telecoms. There are numerous ways in which we differentiate – in times of mass hyper-production and distribution, we go for quality over quantity. Although we include new series and exclusive premieres each month, our most successful TV series are classics or series that have defined TV history. We pay the most attention to European content and focus strongly on the British and Scandinavian productions we offer. Also, let’s not forget that Pickbox NOW has been offering content with subtitles for each country we are active in: Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Bulgaria (only through telecoms).
Could you discuss the strategies Pickbox employed to build large partnerships, navigate cultural and regulatory differences in various markets, and leverage technological advancements to enhance the platform and user experience over the years?
It’s a combination of various elements. Firstly, we are proud to have cherished crucial partnerships throughout the years, not only by collaborating on Pickbox but also through our NEM Dubrovnik and NEM Zagreb events – and way before that: through Mediatranslations, our sister company that has been running for 20 years. Great connections are always a way to open conversations and break down doors. Culturally and marketing-wise, there is a certain “lucky” element in the story – our region is culturally very alike. There are, of course, differences, and the Slovenian market and audiences won’t necessarily lean towards the same content as Serbian audiences. However, our approach looks for little twists, not huge ones. Technically speaking, there are big investments, both financial and in terms of time, to leverage our services. For example, just last year, we launched our new smart TV app with a sophisticated design and various improved features. Also, there is a big effort to improve our technology and to enhance the experience for users watching through telecoms.
What major shifts or trends in the streaming industry has Pickbox adapted to, and what opportunities and challenges does the company anticipate in the future in terms of industry trends and company growth?
As a company operating in Zagreb, Croatia and serving six other countries, our ongoing challenge lies in understanding local audiences even better and maintaining focus across all markets, within our budget, and without neglecting any. Regarding industry trends, we approach them cautiously, recognising their rapid evolution and the absence of guaranteed success. Nonetheless, we prioritise investing in user experience for our apps, especially as content exclusivity diminishes. The content you have today might be on a completely different platform tomorrow, but users will remember and search for the experience. Additionally, we remain committed to nurturing partnerships with telcos, recognising their significance in our growth.
Looking ahead, how does Pickbox plan to stay innovative and resilient in the face of increasing competition and changing audience behaviours, and what are some key partnerships or initiatives the company is pursuing to maintain its position in the market?
The audience is changing faster than ever – but so is the content industry. Just recently, we launched the premiere of a Scandinavian series called No Angel, which has episodes that are under 20 minutes long and which is suitable for watching while commuting. We are addressing the paradoxical needs of shorter attention-spans but a bigger demand for high-quality content and finding new ways to share series with our audiences, and as always, strengthening our partnerships.
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