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Berlinale 2024 – EFM

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La Berlinale accueille le nouveau Programme de financement pour les collaborations Hong Kong-Europe-Asie


BERLINALE 2024 : L'initiative du Conseil pour le développement du cinéma de Hong Kong a pour objectif de favoriser les coproductions ; chaque projet obtiendra une bourse pouvant aller jusqu'à 9M HK$

La Berlinale accueille le nouveau Programme de financement pour les collaborations Hong Kong-Europe-Asie
Wilfred Wong, président du Conseil pour le développement du cinéma de Hong Kong

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

Through its second phase, the Hong Kong-Asian Film Collaboration Funding scheme is set to expand and strengthen its impact on the international film industry. Established last year by the Hong Kong Film Development Council (FDC), the revamped scheme, now known as the Hong Kong-Europe-Asian Film Collaboration Funding Scheme, will enable new co-productions and collaborations across the two continents on projects with high circulation potential at international film festivals and high value at box offices worldwide.

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In the official press release, the effort is described as “a new funding impulse for Hong Kong film projects co-produced with filmmakers from European and/or Asian countries”. In detail, the scheme will be open to applications from filmmakers based in Hong Kong, Europe and/or Asia “to develop new ideas and foster new talent partnerships”. Each eligible project will receive a grant of up to HK$ 9 million (approximately €1.067 million).

FDC chairman Dr Wilfred Wong commented: “Riding on the success of the first phase, we are so glad that we are further extending our collaboration footprint into Europe and announcing the launch of the Hong Kong-Europe-Asian Film Collaboration Funding Scheme at the Berlinale. This scheme aims to provide funding for film projects co-produced with filmmakers from European and Asian countries, enhancing their exposure in international markets, and fostering in-depth exchanges and mutual learning.”

The FDC and Create Hong Kong will unveil details of the new funding scheme at a dedicated event and has invited “three exceptional producers and two emerging directors from Hong Kong” with “substantial local experience”. The talents attending the German festival are producers Debbie Lam, Jacqueline Liu and Saville Chan, and writer-directors Sasha Chuk and Tai Lee Chan.

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