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Cartoon 2021 - Cartoon Forum

Dossier industrie: Animation

Cette année, Cartoon Forum met l’animation portugaise à l’honneur


À Toulouse, nous avons découvert cinq nouveaux projets présentés par des créatifs portugais, dont deux coproduits en Espagne

Cette année, Cartoon Forum met l’animation portugaise à l’honneur
L’artiste graphique Bruna Ferrazzini et le réalisateur Luis Da Matta Almeida en train de pitcher le projet Biriki

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

Each year since 2016, Tolouse’s Cartoon Forum turns a spotlight on a given country’s animation sector. During this edition unspooling from 21 to 23 September, the French gathering has chosen to focus on Portuguese animation to praise its ability to foster talents working in studios all around Europe and to build a diversified network with a strong artistic and production capacity, bolstered by the public support offered by the Portuguese Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual (ICA),  the Portugal Film Commission (PFC) and the Cinema and Tourism Fund’s 30% cash rebate. Originally focusing on shorts, Portugal animation is now pursuing the ambition to explore larger formats, including features and TV series.

(L'article continue plus bas - Inf. publicitaire)

Over the last three days, Cartoon Forum, a leading international pitching and co-production forum for animated TV series, gave Portuguese producers the opportunity to showcase the works they are developing. Here is a brief overview of their new projects:

Biriki Luis Da Matta Almeida (Portugal/Spain)
Penned by Ilaria Turba, this 26x7 preschool series follows little Biriki, who is ready to discover the world around her. The birth of a rainbow, the freezing of a lake, the discovery of coal or a particular object such as feathers or shells become an opportunity for Biriki and her friends to grow. The project is being produced by the director himself for Portugal’s Sparkle Animation and Chelo Loureiro for Spain’s Abano Productions.

Pete & Bern’sBernardo Pacheco and Pedro Rodrigues (Portugal)
The 52x3 TV series follows the titular two siblings hatched from the same egg. Despite this, they have almost nothing in common, but must learn to coexist. Each with his own craze, but inevitably together, they have to deal with day-to-day adversities, or with the dangers of a great adventure. Pacheco and Rodrigues previewed an excerpt depicting the two lead characters fighting against an improbable giant mussel. The project is targeted at an audience of adults and young adults.

The Adventures of Princess PPedro Lino (Portugal)
This 52x11 series, penned by Pedro Lino and Filipe Santos, centres on Young Princess P, the only daughter of the rulers of Kingdom K. She is a girl of strong convictions: an advocate for the weakest, a true environmentalist, she is always trying to change the mind of adults, especially her conservative parents. In each episode, she faces new challenges that test her beliefs, in a universe where anything is possible. Castles, knights and princesses mix with aliens, time travel and computer games, placing the challenges of children’s daily experiences into this imaginary land. The project, targeted at children aged 6-11, is being staged by Pablo Iraola for Lisbon-based studio Ukbar Filmes

The SaskatoonsEvgenia Golubeva and Nadia Cardoso (Portugal/Spain)
Produced by Pablo Jordi for Spain’s Pikkukala and Diogo Carvalho for Sardinha em Lata, this 26x11 project revolves around Gigi and Alex, unlikely heroes who are becoming world experts on saving the world from powerful ancient forces. Their adventures find them on the frontline when mischievous powers are unleashed from historical artefacts. Together with their robot Dokku, they call themselves “The Saskatoons.” The series, targeted at children aged 6-11, is written by Golubeva and Myles McLeod.

What’s it all About? - Pedro Lino (Portugal)
The second project, helmed by Pedro Lino and co-written with Filipe Santos, is a Portugal’s Take It Easy presentation. In this 52x11 show, we’ll follow the “What’s it all About?” family, with their magic van, in a series of adventures through the mysteries of science. From the wonders of the universe to microscopic enigmas, nothing is impossible for the curiosity of our characters. The target audience are, once more, children aged 6-11.

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