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Institutions / Législation - Europe

Dossier industrie: Politique européenne

Le budget 2021-2027 d’Europe créative monte à 2,2 milliards d’euros


Cette mesure représente une augmentation de 50% par rapport au budget de 1,46 milliard d’euros alloué pour la période 2014-2020

Le budget 2021-2027 d’Europe créative monte à 2,2 milliards d’euros

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

This week, EU negotiators have agreed on a new budget of €2,2 billion for Creative Europe’s 2021-2027 programme. The provision marks a 50% increase compared to the 2014-2020 programme budget, which accounted for €1,46 billion in total. The decision is part of a larger €16 billion compromise package on the MFF (multiannual financial framework), which includes other important European endeavours, such as Horizon Europe, InvestEu, Erasmus+, Eu4Health and the Rights and Values programme. In detail, €15 billion will go towards reinforcing flagship programmes to protect citizens from the COVID-19 pandemic, provide opportunities to the next generation, and preserve European values, whilst €1 billion will go towards increasing flexibility to address future needs and crises. The additional funds will be drawn mainly from amounts corresponding to competition fines (paid by firms who don’t comply with EU rules), in line with Parliament’s long-standing request that money generated by the European Union should stay in the EU budget.

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On Tuesday 10 November, Portuguese politician and MFF co-rapporteur Margarita Marques commented on the agreement: “For the first time, the European Parliament has reached an agreement that increases MFF ceilings, resulting in an MFF larger than in the EUCO agreement. This means more money for programmes that are important to all Europeans, like health, research, Erasmus, Creative Europe, humanitarian aid and NDICI. There are more resources to support those most impacted by the crisis as well as future generations, and to defend EU rights and values. We value the long-term policies of the Union that will persist after the pandemic. Those are crucial for a sustainable and inclusive recovery! The European Parliament has come out of these negotiations with a stronger role in the Next Generation EU — an important achievement to increase transparency and democratic accountability.”

Speaking about the new funding decisions, European Association of Film Agencies (EFAD) President Luis Chaby Vaz told Cineuropa: “We welcome the deal reached on the EU budget, which will allow to substantially reinforce the Creative Europe budget for the next seven years. As we have been advocating for the last years, more resources are needed for the MEDIA programme to better support European co-productions, promote European works across the world, support independent cinemas, festivals, training initiatives and innovative projects. These are all key initiatives to reinforce European cooperation and promote cultural diversity. The negotiations took time but we ended up with a good result. Now, what we need is to find a solution so that the different MEDIA calls and funding — for Creative Europe desks for example — are not delayed nor interrupted. The audiovisual sector, currently facing a second wave pandemic, has already been severely affected by the crisis and will not be able to bear a MEDIA funding gap.”

With any luck, the new funding decision will help Europe’s creative and audiovisual industries to go through this moment of hardship. Watch this space.

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