Films 2019
1633 fiches film disponibles au total.
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Italie [IT]
- Life as a B-Movie: Piero Vivarelli [IT] (2019)
de Fabrizio Laurenti, Niccolò Vivarelli - Like There's No Tomorrow [IT] (2019)
de Igor Biddau - Look Beyond [IT] (2019)
de Lia Beltrami - Love Under House Arrest [IT] (2019)
de Emiliano Corapi - Lucania [IT] (2019)
de Gigi Roccati - Ma cosa ci dice il cervello [IT] (2019)
de Riccardo Milani - The Mafia Is No Longer What It Used to Be [IT] (2019)
de Franco Maresco - The Magic Flute at Piazza Vittorio [IT, FR] (2019)
de Mario Tronco, Gianfranco Cabiddu - Mamma + Mamma [IT] (2019)
de Karole Di Tommaso - The Man Without Gravity [IT, BE] (2019)
de Marco Bonfanti - Marghe and Her Mother [UK, IT] (2019)
de Mohsen Makhmalbaf - Le Mariage de Verida [IT] (2019)
de Michela Occhipinti - Martin Eden [IT, FR, DE] (2019)
de Pietro Marcello - Maternal [IT, AR] (2019)
de Maura Delpero - Maybe it's just Seasickness [IT] (2019)
de Simona De Simone - The Mayor of Rione Sanità [IT] (2019)
de Mario Martone - Mi chiamo Altan e faccio vignette [IT] (2019)
de Stefano Consiglio - Mia Martini - Io sono Mia [IT] (2019)
de Riccardo Donna - La mia seconda volta [IT] (2019)
de Alberto Gelpi - Michel-Ange [IT, RU] (2019)
de Andrey Konchalovskiy - Mò Vi Mento - Lira di Achille [IT] (2019)
de Stefania Capobianco, Francesco Gagliardi - Modalità Aereo [IT] (2019)
de Fausto Brizzi - Mon frère chasse les dinosaures [IT, ES] (2019)
de Stefano Cipani - Mondo sexy [IT] (2019)
de Mario Sesti - The Music Box [IT] (2019)
de John Real - Negative Numbers [GE, IT, FR] (2019)
de Uta Beria - The Nest [IT] (2019)
de Roberto De Feo - Never Whistle Alone [IT] (2019)
de Marco Ferrari - Nevia [IT] (2019)
de Nunzia De Stefano - No Filters. The Unconventional Cinema of Claudio Caligari [IT] (2019)
de Simone Isola, Fausto Trombetta - Le Nom de la Rose [IT, DE] (2019)
de Giacomo Battiato - Non ci resta che il crimine [IT] (2019)
de Massimiliano Bruno - Nonostante la nebbia [IT, RS, FR, MK] (2019)
de Goran Paskaljevic - Normal [IT, SE] (2019)
de Adele Tulli - Not a Dream [IT] (2019)
de Giovanni Cioni - La Notte è Piccola per Noi - Director's Cut [IT] (2019)
de Gianfrancesco Lazotti - Nour [IT] (2019)
de Maurizio Zaccaro - Obsessed: The Split [IT, US] (2019)
de John Real - Once More Unto the Breach [IT] (2019)
de Federico Ferrone, Michele Manzolini - One More Jump [IT, LB, CH] (2019)
de Emanuele Gerosa - Open Door [AL, XK, IT, MK] (2019)
de Florenc Papas - Opera Mundi [IT] (2019)
de Paolo Fiore Angelini - Ordinary Happiness [IT] (2019)
de Daniele Luchetti - Our Pope [IT, AR] (2019)
de Marco Spagnoli, Tiziana Lupi - Palladio [IT] (2019)
de Giacomo Gatti - Paradise [IT, SI] (2019)
de Davide Del Degan - Parents in Progress [IT] (2019)
de Laura Chiossone - Passeggeri Notturni [IT] (2019)
de Riccardo Grandi - The Passion of Anna Magnani [IT, FR] (2019)
de Enrico Cerasuolo - Passpartù: Operazione Doppiozero [IT] (2019)
de Lucio Bastolla