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Derk-Jan Warrink • Producteur, keplerfilm

“Je trouve très important de nouer une relation forte et fondée sur la confiance avec nos talents”


- Le producteur hollandais, sélectionné parmi les Producers on the Move 2022 de l'EFP, nous a parlé de son travail de production et de ses prochains projets

Derk-Jan Warrink • Producteur, keplerfilm

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

We sat down with Derk-Jan Warrink, producer at Dutch outfit keplerfilm. Warrink was selected as one of this year’s Producers on the Move by the European Film Promotion. In this chat with Cineuropa, he spoke about the motives which pushed him to enter the industry, the importance of building solid professional relationships, the Dutch film scene and his next projects.

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Cineuropa: What pushed you to enter this industry?
Derk-Jan Warrink:
Entering this industry is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Waking up eagerly, every day, using every part of yourself while working with amazing talents, getting inspired, and maybe – just maybe – having a tiny impact on the world. But also having the opportunity to assist, motivate and energise all kinds of filmmakers and getting inspired in return.

What is the most challenging aspect of a producer's job? Which is the most rewarding?
The most challenging aspect of producing is to always stay receptive, while trying to be as ambitious as possible and giving more than anticipated. But in the meantime, [you need to] stay realistic and be constructive with everyone involved. The most rewarding aspect is never about figures but it is the fact that the directors, writers, cast and co-producers we work with return to us for their next projects. This makes me most proud. I find it very important to create a strong and trusting relationship with our talents, in which they feel safe and feel that we’re in this together. This is, in my opinion, what producing is all about. Creating mutual, sustainable, beneficial relationships with everyone you work with.

What are the main challenges and advantages of producing in the Netherlands? How would you judge the current state of the Dutch film scene?
The Netherlands is a pampered industry in terms of financing and professional facilities. But I do believe there is still something to gain on an artistic level. We have some amazing filmmakers in the Netherlands who have all the assets to stand out. And I believe that financiers – as well as producers – should confide more in the passion and authenticity of filmmakers and less in well-constructed pitches and solid screenplays. The more decision-makers a filmmaker encounters in the process, the bigger is the chance to get a mediocre film. Films that really stand out internationally are often the ones that are ‘highly unprecedented’ and prompt emotions. Films that may be provocative, make us wonder, laugh and love. I hope that more freedom for filmmakers, throughout the whole process, will bring more confidence and better films.

How do you think being one of the Producers on the Move will benefit your career?
It’s a huge honour to be selected as a Producer on the Move, especially when I look at the list of producers that preceded me. I see it as an important chance to get to know some of the best producers from other countries that are in the same phase as I am as a producer. I can’t wait to get to know their experiences, hear how they work as well as their trial-and-error stories.

How has producing changed after two years of the pandemic? Any lesson or insight you’d like to share?
When the pandemic started, we were blessed that the Netherlands Film Fund immediately stepped in with overwhelming help and support. The result is that our projects have not really suffered financially. However, I hope that we will never ever again face the biggest and saddest anticlimax I have ever experienced in my work, namely releasing a film while cinemas are closing. Even though I am sure we have learnt a lot from the pandemic, I am particularly glad that the world feels a bit like the old days again.

What are your next projects?
At Cannes, we will premiere our Finnish co-production The Woodcutter Story in Critics' Week and, in a few weeks, Floor van der Meulen’s debut Pink Moon will premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival. We are also in post-production with a family comedy, Hotel Sinestra by Michiel ten Horn. We have many other precious projects in development and financing phases.

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