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SAN SEBASTIAN 2017 Industrie

Glocal in Progress convoque ses participants européens à San Sebastian


- En anglais : le festival basque ouvrira les portes de cet événement industrie à des projets en post-production tournés dans des langues européennes non-hégémoniques

Glocal in Progress convoque ses participants européens à San Sebastian

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

A call has been launched for European films at the post-production stage, which have been shot in non-hegemonic languages. On 25, 26 and 27 September 2017, as part of the industry activities at the 65th San Sebastián International Film Festival Glocal in Progress, the successful titles will be viewed by programmers, distributors, sales agents and other professionals attending this rendezvous, thereby helping them to reach completion. The initiative was devised last summer (read more) and will make its debut this year.

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Three features, selected from among all those presented, will form part of this first programme, which aims to foster and spread the word about lesser-known film industries – in other words, films that are shot in languages other than Spanish, French, English, German, Italian and Russian. This therefore gives a further boost to the gathering’s dedication to audiovisual creation, which has already been consolidated by initiatives such as Films in Progress and the Europe-Latin American Co-Production Forum.

The call will remain open until 30 June, and feature films (over 60 minutes long) with either total or partial European production involvement, and which are not spoken in the above languages, are eligible. The Basque festival’s selection committee will choose three titles from among all those presented. The movies – which must be subtitled in English, Basque or Spanish – can be sent in via the online application form, which can be found in The Industry Club part of the gathering’s official web site.

The selected films will also lock horns for the Glocal in Progress Award, consisting of post-production services, and handed out by Deluxe Spain, Dolby Iberia, Láserfilm Cine y Vídeo, Nephilim Producciones and No Problem Sonido. The winning film will also receive €10,000 for its majority producer.

30 June is also the deadline for presenting Latin American projects for the 32nd edition of Films in Progress: what’s more, this year’s edition will be the first time that the Film Factory Award will be handed out; the prize consists of the pre-purchasing of the worldwide distribution rights, with a guaranteed minimum of €40,000.

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(Traduit de l'espagnol)

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