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Suite à une AG, Cicutto a été maintenu à la tête d’Istituto Luce-Cinecittà


- En anglais : Le nouveau conseil d’administration a attribué au président la mission d’administrateur délégué de la société qui a annoncé l’achat de la branche de Cinecittà Studios

Suite à une AG, Cicutto a été maintenu à la tête d’Istituto Luce-Cinecittà
Roberto Cicutto

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

A shareholder’s meeting has officially appointed Roberto Cicutto as president of Istituto Luce-Cinecittà. Cicutto has thus been appointed as head of the company that in the last few days has announced the acquisition of the Cinecittà Studios business unit (see the news), complete with the expansion and restarting of activities in the Via Tuscolana-based film studios.

(L'article continue plus bas - Inf. publicitaire)

The board meeting also elected the members of the board of directors, appointing Maite Carpio Bulgari, plus Paolo Tenna, CEO of FIP - Film Investimenti Piemonte, as the new advisor. The board of statutory auditors was also named, chaired by Anna Maria Ustino and comprising Ivano Strizzolo and Luca Piovano

This morning, Istituto Luce-Cinecittà’s new board of directors held its first meeting, conferring on president Cicutto the powers of CEO of the company.

(L'article continue plus bas - Inf. publicitaire)

(Traduit de l'italien)

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