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BLACK NIGHTS 2017 Industrie

Le Baltic Event et Industry@Tallinn récompensent les meilleurs projets de Black Nights


- En anglais : Le prix principal, le Prix Eurimages Baltic Event pour la coproduction, est allé au titre finlandais The Great Bear

Le Baltic Event et Industry@Tallinn récompensent les meilleurs projets de Black Nights
The team behind The Great Bear accepting the Eurimages Baltic Event Co-Production Development Award

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

Two branches of the Tallinn industry events at the Black Nights Film Festival – Baltic Event and Industry@Tallinn – have handed out a range of prizes to those film projects that were deemed most interesting by the international juries. 

The main prize, the Eurimages Baltic Event Co-Production Development Award, worth €20,000 and bestowed upon the best project based on its artistic quality and potential for theatrical release, went to The Great Bear from Finland. The award was presented to director Jan Forsström and producers Kaarle Aho and Maria ForsströmThe Great Bear is being produced by Making Movies Oy.

(L'article continue plus bas - Inf. publicitaire)

The Finnish post-production house Post Control granted an award of €10,000 worth of facility services in the Works in Progress category, which went to Crystal Swan [+lire aussi :
interview : Darya Zhuk
fiche film
 – a Belarus-German-American comedy by Darya Zhuk.

The Baltic Event Works in Progress Award of €3,000 was given to the project with the strongest and boldest artistic vision. It was received by a period piece focusing on a recent period in history, Motherland [+lire aussi :
fiche film
(Lithuania/Latvia), directed by Tomas Vengris and produced by Uljana Kim (Studio Uljana Kim).

Screen International picked the Best Pitch Award recipient, whose project will be covered in the publication during the whole production process. The winning film, Restore Point, is being staged by Film Kolektiv, directed by Robert Hloz and produced by Jan Kallista.

Here is the full list of award winners:

Eurimages Co-Production Development Award
The Great Bear (Finland) 

Best Pitch
Restore Point (Czech Republic)

Producers Network Prize
Adina Dulcu (Romania), Bram Sterckx (Belgium) 

Post Production Award
Crystal Swan [+lire aussi :
interview : Darya Zhuk
fiche film

Baltic Event Works in Progress Award
Motherland [+lire aussi :
fiche film

Baltic View Award
43 (Georgia/Russia)
Take It Or Leave It (Estonia)

Think of the Music Award
Amidst the Fog (Colombia/Brazil)
Captain Morten and the Spider Queen (Estonia/Ireland/Belgium/UK)

Script Pool Award
The Sky is Pink (India)

Storytek Script Pool Prize
Bloody Sunday VR (Lithuania)

(Traduit de l'anglais)

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