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Le nombre total de cinémas en Roumanie chute à 90


- En anglais : Le marché est dominé par le réseau Cinema City, avec 61,19% de part de marché

Le nombre total de cinémas en Roumanie chute à 90
Site Cinema City AFI Cotroceni

Cet article est disponible en anglais.

The number of cinemas in Romania has decreased slightly to 90 (from 92 at the end of 2016), according to statistics published by the country's National Film Center. Israeli-based cinema network Cinema City controls 61.19% of the local exhibition market. In terms of earnings, the network's position is even better, with a market share of 64.47%.

Cinema City administers 25 multiplexes with 231 screens. 8,491,954 out of the 13,877,470 tickets sold last year in Romania were for a showing in a Cinema City venue. The network owns the country’s two IMAX screens, one in Bucharest and one in Timişoara. It also administers the country’s biggest venue, Cinema City AFI Cotroceni, with 21 screens and 4,322 seats. This multiplex is the only one in Romania to have exceeded one million admissions in 2017. The second most popular cinema venue in the country is Grand Entertainment (Bucharest), with 956,257 admissions last year.

Romania now has 90 cinemas, with a total number of 386 screens and 72,112 seats. The number of cinemas affiliated with the Europa Cinemas network increased from eight in 2016 to nine in 2017. The total number of showings in Romanian cinemas increased from 577,525 in 2016 to 602,625 last year, and the average number of admissions per show remained the same as in 2016, at 23. 

Although the average number of admissions per inhabitant has increased steadily over the years, it is still one of the lowest in Europe, standing at 0.70% in 2017, 0.67% in 2016 and 0.57% in 2015.

The average ticket price increased slightly to €4.28.

(Traduit de l'anglais)

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