L'Institut portugais du cinéma soutient des nouveaux talents et des premiers films de fiction
par Ioana Florescu
- L'agence principale de soutien au cinéma du pays a investi 2,5M € dans les projets de six réalisateurs émergents

Cet article est disponible en anglais.
Portugal’s Film and Audiovisual Institute (ICA) has disclosed the recipients of its 2018 grants for “new talents and first features”. The announcement was delayed considerably owing to the implementation of the new cinema legislation, which was approved in April. Filmmakers who have not yet made a fiction feature or who have so far completed no more than one feature-length fiction film were eligible to receive the financial aid. The four members of the committee (João Mário Grilo, Jorge Mourinha, Manuel Costa e Silva and Manuel Halpern) decided that six out of the 62 projects submitted would be supported with a total sum of €2.475 million.
Salomé Lamas (No Man's Land [+lire aussi :
fiche film], Eldorado XXI [+lire aussi :
fiche film]) has received €500,000 for Gold and Aches. The film, produced by O Som e a Fúria, follows the story of two women who push past their limits in order to free themselves from their comfortable but stifling lives.
The same amount was granted to Susana Nobre’s City of Rabat, which is being produced by Terratreme. Her film Ordinary Time [+lire aussi :
fiche film] competed in the Bright Future section of this year’s International Film Festival Rotterdam.
Paolo Marinou-Blanco’s (Goodnight Irene [+lire aussi :
fiche film]) Dreaming of Lions [+lire aussi :
interview : Paolo Marinou-Blanco
fiche film] has also received €500,000. The film is being produced by Maria & Mayer.
A further €475,000 went to Diogo Costa Amarante, whose Small Town won the Golden Bear for Best Short Film at the 2017 Berlinale. His fiction project We Are on Air is being staged by O Verde do Jardim.
Finally, two projects were supported to the tune of €250,000 each: Ico Costa’s Rosilene (produced by Oublaum Filmes) and João Nuno Pinto’s Zacarias (produced by Leopardo Filmes).
(Traduit de l'anglais)
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